[TC-I Call to Action]: Indicorps August 2009 Fellowship
As some of our readers may know, Prerna and I are both Indicorps alums. My fellowship with Indicorps is too involved to explain in a short post, but the experience is definitely one of the contributing factors to my continued interest and involvement with development in India. The on-the-ground experience is extremely valuable, both in terms of understanding the issues at hand, and also for the resulting effects on personal growth. I am excited that this opportunity is available for more people in the Indian Diaspora to make lasting change:
Indicorps eagerly announces over 30 competitive new projects for the August 2009 Indicorps Diaspora Fellowship. Indicorps seeks a few dozen dedicated young Indian leaders who are willing to challenge themselves and “be the change.” Tackle real issues in education, microfinance, social entrepreneurship, environmental conservation, public health, urban infrastructure, and much more. Live simply and dig deep to learn about real India (and yourself); projects span from Kanpur to Pondicherry, Gujarat to Madhya Pradesh. To learn more, visit http://apply.indicorps.org.
In the spirit of Obama’s campaign to create “Change you can believe in,” Indicorps is a real opportunity for CHANGE YOU MAKE HAPPEN. The August 2009 Fellowship model will mobilize passionate, sincere fellows to become strong team players and leaders who will build sustainable new initiatives.
About Indicorps: Indicorps offers prestigious grassroots public service fellowship to implement sustainable development projects with community-based organizations across India. As a total-immersion leadership program, Indicorps will encourage you to explore your role as a catalyst of change. Fellowship projects promote both personal growth and collective action towards a secular India that is inclusive, peaceful, and participatory. The program requires a minimum commitment of one year.
Applications are due 15 March 2009.
Ready to take on one of these interesting projects, from working with youth to social entrepreneurship to health issues? If you are eligible and interested, I cannot urge you enough to apply.