Swiggy, an India-based startup established in 2014 in Bengaluru, when Sriharsha Majety and Nandan Reddy from BITS Pilani, introduced the concept of "Hyperlocal food delivery."
It ranks as one of India's top Unicorn startups. Currently, Swiggy operates in more than 500+ cities nationwide. It has partnered with fast-food giants like Burger King, Cafe Coffee Day, Goli Vada Pav, and many others to provide delivery services.
The platform allows customers to access a diverse range of restaurants from a centralised window, by connecting local diners with food enthusiasts. In January 2017, Swiggy initiated its cloud kitchen chain known as "The Bowl Company." In November 2017, the company ventured into a kitchen incubator business called Swiggy Access.
In early 2019, Swiggy extended its services to include general product deliveries through a new division named Swiggy Stores. This involved sourcing items from local stores to cater to customer demands.
In September 2019, Swiggy introduced the Swiggy Go service, enabling customers to make instant pickup and drop-off requests for document or parcel deliveries. Later, in April 2020, Swiggy rebranded this service as Swiggy Genie. And in August 2020, Swiggy launched InstaMart, a groceries delivery platform.
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