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Here’s what can make you an exceptional working professional

Here’s what can make you an exceptional working professional

Monday August 22, 2016 , 3 min Read

Population in the country is growing every day. There really is no dearth of people to get a job done. Understandably, as the required skills and specialisations become more complex, fewer people are qualified to get a job done. Yet, on the other end, a hiring manager’s table is stacked with CVs, and their schedule is full of interviews. Yet, few people find themselves with a job they enjoy. There’s a secret to why some experienced people get hired more often – they come with impeccable recommendations from their previous organisations. Ever wondered if you stand out from the pack? If you relate to these signs, you probably do:

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Image : shutterstock

You go the extra mile

You might be in a desk job, but you never lose an opportunity to talk about your company, be it in a social setting or at a business meet. Perhaps, you have contacts the company can use, and you put people in touch with each other. Whatever it is you do, you always think of how you can add your magic touch to it to make it perfect.

You never think of the company’s property as yours

This applies as much to intellectual property as it does to physical property. Pen drives and LAN cables are so easy to transport that it doesn’t even feel like stealing. But you would never dream of doing such a thing. Most importantly, if you’re a startup employee, you won’t steal an idea and do it on your own.

You think of things before they’re told to you

This is so important in fast-paced workplaces. Sometimes, seniors may forget to delegate something that needs to be done, with no one volunteering to do it, until someone notices it again. Big or small, if you feel like it is well within your expertise, you’ll do it before it rots away in red tape hell. This is so much more relevant in a startup environment, where not addressing a customer’s complaint can mean heavy losses.

You respect time

We mean both your time as well as that of anyone you are working with. You don’t work on weekends. Instead, you come to work thoroughly refreshed on Mondays. You don’t hang around the boss’s cabin just to gain attention, nor do you never turn up late to a client meeting.

You focus on the task at hand

Minus all the distractions, the long banter after lunch, the smoke breaks and plans for the evening, it is possible to cut a work day to as short as five to six hours. While this does not mean being anti-social, a good employee knows when to cut a conversation short and get back to work.

Think people like this don’t exist? Think again, because here’s a good example. If this doesn’t convince you, here’s another one. One way to work is to go to office, come back and pick up the salary each month. Another approach is to think of how much more useful you can be. So which one would you pick?