How to deal with a mental block in the middle of a work day?
Mental blocks are real and every professional’s worst nightmare. No one is spared their horror, therefore, it is best accept the reality that they are inevitable. It could affect the productivity of an employee. It can occur anytime while you’re at work. Chances are you may start out upbeat, keen and self-reliant to come up with a great idea for your next client presentation, but then for some reason, you hit a psychological wall and find it impossible to move forward.

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Here are a few tips to help you overcome a mental block and increase productivity at work.
You earn to live, not live to earn
No employer would encourage you to leave your desk early or spend time with your family on weekends. There's a life beyond the 10-hour shift and never ending PPT presentations, which you shouldn't miss at any cost.
Commit yourself to activities that would relieve you from stress and mental block. Hit the gym in the evening and sweat out the entire day's frustration. Spend time with your loved ones. Play with your kids. Become a dog owner and learn what empathy is all about.
Take a break from technology
Your brain can't keep consuming data and perform well throughout the day. Stop what you're doing. Cut yourself off from technology. And by technology we mean everything starting from your computer to your smartphone, TV, and iPod (if you still use one). Shut down every so-called life savior device that you use and spend some "Me Time". You can take a walk down the lane, drink a coffee or even take a nap (if your employer has a nap room) for just 30 minutes. Taking short breaks during a work can boost your productivity.
Develop a hobby
Develop a hobby ‑ it can be writing, painting, collecting stamps, cooking, singing, or dancing, anything that makes you feel good. A hobby keeps the artist in you alive and inspires you to do things that make you happy. If you are skeptical about the outcomes, ask a musician how he feels while singing on stage or a writer about his experience while writing a story. You'll get your answer. Commit yourself to give at least one hour a day to your hobby. Try it for one month and experience the magic.
Experiment with your workspace
We are a product of things around us. If you're an entrepreneur or a creative person and have full control over your workspace, then don't shy away from experimenting. Change the painting and wall colour, clean your desk, organise books and do everything that can spread positive vibes and make you feel good.
Keep a pocket journal
Inspiration comes in different size and shapes. Be attentive and keep a pocket journal with you always. It can be a new business idea, a random thought or anything which motivates you to do and makes you feel better. This idea may sound crazy at first, but when you give it a shot with 100 percent willingness, you would get amazing results.
At the end of the day, it's all about how well you understand yourself and the way your mind works. Be kind and give yourself some time.
"At the end, everything will be fine. If it's not fine, it's not the end."
Keep hustling!