How marrying the right person makes you a successful businessperson
Behind every successful man is a woman who is supportive and understanding. Behind every successful woman is a man who is prudent and reliable. Behind every successful entrepreneur couple, there’s immense faith and trust that they have for each other.
This is exactly what researchers at Washington University found out in a recent study. The study found that people who tend to marry “conscientious partners” – individuals who are trustworthy, supportive, relatively prudent and reliable – often earn more money, have better career plans and emerge as better entrepreneurs.

According to the study, when you spend a lot of time with someone, you tend to emulate his or her habits – both good and bad. Hence, when you decide to marry a positive, visionary and self-reliant partner, you adopt good aspects of their personality that motivate you further to be able to be successful – both personally and professionally. “These results demonstrate that the dispositional characteristics of the person one marries influence important aspects of one's professional life,” said the study.
It takes a lot more than just a good idea and adequate funds to be a successful businessperson. As Chetan Bhagat said in one of his speeches, “Merit and hard work is not always linked to achievement in the short-term, but the long-term correlation is high, and ultimately things do work out.” Your mental peace, determination and willpower play a major role in developing an entrepreneurial attitude, which means you will be prepared to face any kind of challenges and obstacles that come along in the journey. If you are married or thinking of tying the knot soon, remember that a good partner can help you create a comfortable domestic life, so you can completely focus on your business. Ideally, you are expected to extend the same level of support to your partner as well when he or she needs it.
If your husband, for instance, is inexplicably active and successfully juggles work life, family responsibilities and leisure time, then it could be a great motivator for you to find the same balance in your life. If both the partners are working, the household chores can be organised in a way that doesn't burden either of them. The only way to get things done is to get things done, together or by dividing responsibilities fairly.
“If your home environment is good and peaceful and easy, your life is better and easier.” - Lori Greiner
This doesn't mean that you should choose a partner only based on his or her prudence and approach towards your career goals. As they say, “Marry for love, and other things will roll in, automatically.” Marry a person who makes you feel happy and content in all spheres of life.
“Women will only have true equality when men share with them the responsibility of bringing up the next generation.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
There’s no doubt that having a commonsensical partner is an important ingredient in creating a recipe of life that not only looks good on the outside, but also tastes delicious on the inside. Instead of expecting your partner to take charge of everything, think about ways you can do to simplify his or her life. Maybe you can offer help in managing the finances or partake in more household chores. After all, the best way to lead is by working together with each other and for each other. Once you find a prudent and supportive significant other, you both will definitely make an outstanding team.