6 viable business ideas for the stay-at-home parent
A word that is thrown around the internet these days is ‘adulting’. It’s not so much a word in the dictionary than the verb form of being an adult, bearing the joy or the brunt of responsibilities. This could be one way to understand the situation of a stay-at-home mom or dad. With several things to take care of, from household chores to taking care of your spouse and kids, you’re stuck in a tight routine. Most parents, especially women, tend to quit their jobs to take care of their young children. Subsequently, many want to keep their careers going. There are a ton of opportunities for a stay-at-home parent to seek out without having to compromise any responsibilities at home. Here’s a list of business ideas and opportunities that you can try.

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Classes – music, dance, painting, cooking, crafts
Let’s start with the simple things. Maybe you’re a talented musician, dancer, painter, etc. A good option to venture into would be taking recreational classes for children and adults alike from the comfort of your home. For a certain amount, you can fix timings for your pupils and teach them accordingly.
Home-based franchising
This is a really good option for a stay-at-home parent as it doesn’t require a separate office location. With this, the office set-up can be at the owner’s home. Such ventures require a certain amount of capital to begin with; and it gives you an added advantage of foregoing the need to spend part of your startup capital on inventory.
Freelance writing
One of the best work-from-home options is freelance writing. This would require you to write articles for newspapers or online portals, or content for content marketing firms. The best way to start would be to pick your niche, subjects of your expertise. Most freelancing jobs pay either per-word or per-article. An efficient way to start would be to start blogging and picking up some SEO tips.
Freelance subtitling and captioning
For those who love watching movies and TV shows, subtitling is great option. With a PC and a good internet connection, you can transcribe movies to create subtitles. Subtitles are also created for the deaf and hard of hearing, so there are a variety of jobs within subtitling that you can branch out into.
Graphic designing
If you’re the type who loves to make holiday greetings to send out to family all over the world, you should consider graphic design. It is preferable to have a basic know-how about tools like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, but there are alternative ways to start. There are several free websites like Fotor and Canva that allow you to create copies with readymade templates for blogs, posters, flyers, images, and suchlike.
Pet sitting
For the pet lover in you, you could start a pet sitting venture from the comfort of your home. Well, let’s hope you have pet-tolerant people and a considerable amount of space at home. Imagine earning some money by spending time with dogs, cats, and other furry creatures for a good part of the day before they can go back home. This probably isn’t for anyone, but it is a decent option for a stay-at-home job.
So which of these has caught your attention?