Nupur Agarwal
Nupur Agarwal is the brainchild of “Beyond Braille”, illustration book series for the visually impaired community. She has been into explorations and experimentation since her childhood, art and design has always been her passion. She started working on the project “Ranchhod Sees the World”, while she was pursuing her post graduation in Visual Communication from CEPT University, Ahmedabad, in 2014 and took it forward from there. Simultaneously, Nupur Agarwal is the founder of Pocket Pixels, a graphic design and a brand consulting firm and CreativeHub, a one-of-a-kind creative gift hamper service. With Pocket Pixels, a design firm and CreativeHub, a gifting service, I’ve got one hand in the world of design and the other in the world of curation, and a love for both.