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Photo of R K Mohapatra

R K Mohapatra

R K Mohapatra is one of the best-known Indian Authors in personal financial planning and retirement planning books for all. He is the author of two books, Investment… Risk & Growth -A Guide for Investors about Investment Vehicles and Retirement Planning-A simple guide for Individuals. R.K.Mohapatra describes the topic of financial planning for an individual along with future growth for financial product in India, which also reflects an investor’s perspective on handling his or her hard-earned money carefully through proper investment planning. As far as his academic credentials go, Mohapatra is an Economic (Hons) graduate from Utkal University- 1983 batch. Subsequently, he secured a position in Cost & Management Accountant (CMA) course in the ICAI of Kolkata-1988 batch. He earned an MBA Finance in 2007 from Sylhet, a top ranked University. He is also a fellow member of Institute of Cost Account of India (ICAI). He recently won the 32nd Dr. S. Radha Krishnan Memorial National Media Network Awards-2016, as ‘the Eminent Author’ for his meticulous bestselling book, “Retirement Planning – A simple guide for individuals” in New Delhi. The author has a passion for writing articles in newspapers, blogs, on goodreads, medium, and spreading knowledge through the online media. The author always welcomes suggestions and comments from readers. Readers may contact the author at or [email protected].