How to win people at work? Just be happy!
Suffering from workplace blues? Here are some positive ways by which you can bring in some cheer.
A smile goes a long way, doesn’t it? I had this colleague at a previous workplace who set the tone for almost everyone she came into contact with a ‘Good morning, have a great day!’ accompanied by a sparkling smile. Bubbly and full of cheer, she always looked at the positive side of things and this demeanour endeared her to all.
She was naturally positive, which some of us may not be. A negative attitude at the workplace can do more harm than good and really, who would want to work with someone who’s cribbing and whining all the time? An offhand negative remark can create a change of negative thoughts and haven’t you often noticed how the negative vibes you get off some people can pull you down instantly?

A recent survey suggests that a negative attitude was one of the top common career-limiting habit. That’s why a positive attitude matters not only for professional growth but for your personal well-being as well.
Here are some ways in which you can work towards building positive relationships at the workplace. All you need is to put in some effort along with some positive attitude. The rest, as they say, will come naturally.
Be who you are
Most people try to project an image that is far removed from reality. So, in the end, they only make a fool of themselves. Do not pretend to be something you are not. Someone will call the bluff sooner or later. Don’t be afraid to say ‘you don’t know’ when you truly don’t. People will appreciate your honesty in the long run.
Wear your attitude
By this we mean let your positive attitude shine through. Even if you have a dissenting opinion or need to be assertive in certain situations, you can say ‘no’ or put your foot down without being rude. It’s how you deliver your words that will impact your relationship with your co-workers. People who say ‘no’ all the time are a nightmare to work with!
Smile a lot
‘Smile and the world loves it’, is not just a cliché, it’s a norm that has to be applied to every facet of life. It’s amazing how a smile can turn things around. At the workplace, smile often and others will respond to you more favourably and this, in turn, sends out positive vibes.
Be professional
It’s your responsibility to act professionally at the workplace. Strictly keep personal issues aside and practise tact and diplomacy all the time. While it’s not always easy to practise this, you should do so for your own career growth. Interference in others’ affairs is an absolute no-no! Staying out of office politics will also keep you positive throughout.
Enjoy your work
When you love what you do, it keeps you positive. The workplace comes with its own ups and downs but don’t let the lows keep you down for long. Focus on getting the best out of your job, add value to it with your hard work and determination, and your career will only be on the upswing! If you crib and whine all the time, it gives a negative impression of your attitude of work. So, keep a strong emotional check on yourself.
Give and take respect
Treat everyone at the workplace as your equals. Don’t put anyone on a pedestal, not even your boss! If you are afraid to speak, you are only going to be taken for granted. Treat your colleagues with respect and not with condescension. Make your workplace interactive, fun, and a wonderful place to work in.
Be organised
If you love to live in clutter, you are only going to be angry with yourself most of the time. Clear your desk every day, pin up an inspirational quote on a board, doodle something you like or put up pictures of your family. These will help you remain positive throughout the day.
Have fun
All work and no play can indeed make you a dull person. Plan team lunches or get-togethers when possible. You could also allocate some ‘me-time’ during the week to recharge your batteries and face work with more vigour. Work on physical and mental health issues, if any, and try to include a fitness routine that will ease the stress to a large extent.
(Edited by Evelyn Ratnakumar)