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5 Myths Of Co-working

Folklore myths about co-working

5 Myths Of Co-working

Friday December 29, 2017 , 2 min Read


Every theory or a practical notion always contains myths about them. This strategically tells us that there are somethings that we should not believe entirely.

Co-working is like an ecosystem itself that brings about a vast demographic population under one roof where ideas, networking, and innovation transpire.

With new technological enhancements, workspaces are expanding with full force and there is no sign of slowing down.

However, there is a lot of misinformation floating around giving employees and founders a scrutiny of their potential in the business field.

Fortunately, here are a few myths that can dispel your thoughts about co-working.

1. Just for freelancers

Co-working doesn't give freelancers the benefit of everything, most MNC's and corporate companies have indulged in the concept of shared office spaces. Co-working has become a hub for small companies as well as large companies across the world, providing you with a fraction of the cost of a dedicated office space.

2. Only in big cities

The myth of having co-working in big cities is all a hustle bustle. New tech hubs in Chicago, NewYork, and the Bay area are flushed with co-working spaces, making it a global phenomenon.

If you think there is no co-working space around you, check again!

3. Too distracting

Most people believe co-working spaces render a noisy environment, creating an unproductive work ethic for people. Moreover, these places are filled with like-minded people making it more prominent for network and communication. Some people do believe these workspaces may be distracting, overwhelming or just annoying.

Although there are a few quiet spots in co-working spaces that provide you with the necessary solitude of getting work done alone.

4. All spaces are the same

Co-working spaces vary widely with their different perspective of re-building office spaces to satisfy the needs of founders and employees. It's always better to do your research before making a commitment, as there could be low prices suitable for your needs.

There is always a place that you can commit to on good social standards.

5. Cannot accommodate my needs

If you are picturing a small office space that won't accommodate your needs, then you cannot be more wrong. These work-spaces are flooded with infrastructural facilities including plugs, network, scanners, printers, and whatever you need to run your business.

There are spaces that will always fulfill your needs and requirements, whether it's a small one or a big enterprise.