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Why Engineer Mani moved from Germany to India for a startup?

Why Engineer Mani moved from Germany to India for a startup?

Tuesday November 08, 2016 , 4 min Read

Hello readers! Today, I wish to share some important quotes that have helped me become a new, improved and successful entrepreneur. The following quotes have helped me through numerous challenges, dead locks as well as obstacles.

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game's winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that's why I succeed.”

- Michael Jordan, NBA Hall of Famer

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.”

- Mark Twain, author.

My name is Ms. Mani Mittal and I was born and brought up in Roorkee. I would like to share my story with you.

When I was in my teens I read an article that talked about splendid and promising career prospects in Germany. I went to Germany to pursue my M.S. in Information Technology. I worked in some of the renowned companies and was earning a great salary. My career was on the fast track but I chose to do something that left everyone around her perplexed. I decided to move back to India and become an entrepreneur as my father is a successful and renowned businessman.

My ride was not easy as I had to prove my mettle. I worked as an intern at my father’s jewellery store. I worked right from the glass root level and worked my way up as my mentor guided me thoroughly. I successfully completed my entrepreneurship.

A few months later, Mr. Anshul Sharma, Mr. Naman Mittal and I worked on a business plan and launched

I realized that entrepreneurship is very similar to sport. You must be wondering how? Let’s take a look at the similarities between the two:

Passion – When we start playing a sport as a beginner we do not know whether we are going to win but we continue to improve our skill as we are passionate about it. Similarly, when we are passionate about providing a particular product or service or both to our client we go out of our way barring the fact that we do not know where our journey will lead us. A passionate player gives his/ her game the best shot even if he/ she is terribly tired. The same kind of dedication is need by an entrepreneur when he/ she faces unwanted obstacles.

Getting up after a loss – There are times when an entrepreneur need to be very strong. There will be many customers who would refuse to even listen to what you say while there would be some who would trust you blindly in these challenging times. It is important to offer something extra or value customers who have stood by you and believed in what you have to offer to them. One has rise again and again and that too on one’s own as the rise again and again and that too on your own as the road to entrepreneurship is quite a challenging an adventurous one. It is important to have a good head over ones shoulders.

Daily improvement – Every day is a new day that offers a lot to learn and improve. An entrepreneur has to keep abreast with the latest trends of the market. A lot of risks need to be taken but one can be victorious if one is prepared for every outcome. As a sport person needs to workout daily to keep fit, an entrepreneur also needs to do so.

Interest – I knew that I am quite fond of observing the art of crafting jewellery, examining diamonds and other precious stones as well as understanding the psyche of the customer. I love my profession and I keep on devising new strategies or plans that would help in expanding our customer base. As an entrepreneur, I believe that my work is my life and I love what I do. A sportsperson loves his game and even continues to play it when he/ she wants to relax.

Give it all that you got – As an entrepreneur I am aware of my competitors and give my best shot to win over them. Every proposal, message as well as strategy is important and I work very hard on it before I present them to our customer or partners.

I wish that those of you who dream continue to do so and make it a reality. There is no bigger achievement that to fulfill your dream and be proud of the things that you have learned by fighting all odds and circumstances that have polished you like a precious and valuable diamond.
