AI Healthcare Startup - Rolyte
Intelligent Practice Management Platform
Background –
With the evolution of digital capacity, more data is produced and by 2020, the data we create and copy annually will reach 44 trillion gigabytes. Digital data is growing by a mind-blowing speed, doubling every two years. The available data for hospitals and doctors are highly fragmented, hugely heterogenous and complex in data relationships with still many unknown elements. The Devices not interacting with each other, everyday new dataset originating which may or may not have any relationships. In year 2015, doctors were able to successfully diagnose 50k cancer patients at stage1 and two million became stage 2 after doctors were not able to diagnose correctly. Preventive care & Disease management has not kept pace with technology to help doctors in spending right time with needy patients.
As digital disruption is happening, new technologies enabling doctors or hospitals to become better, quicker, accurate, and most importantly fact-based. There is been great opportunity in the influx of data, in the form of large normalized data-set, we would be able to identify patterns and physiological interactions and patient behavior, which was not existed before.
AI Global Market –
Frost & Sullivan estimates AI market in healthcare will exceed $6 billion by 2021. The investment deals leapt from less than 10 in 2011 to 60 in 2015. So far this year till august, this segment has raised more than 55 equity funding rounds. Still, this is largely a new area and so many research and innovation is happening at various level. AI in healthcare accounted for 15% of all equity deals to artificial intelligence startups in 2015.
Going forward, it is critical to convey the value of AI to end clients and it has been difficult for many vendors to prove the end benefit to users. The market is huge and innovation is the key to get right products for right segment.
The world of Big Data is so huge that we will need artificial intelligence to be able to keep track of it.
About Rolyte –
Rolyte HealthTech is an AI enabled Healthcare IT company founded with an aim to enable all providers with relevant & logical information, they would need for better decision making in-patient treatment plan & diagnosis management. Our AI enabled platform is for doctors and hospitals which connects them with multiple device, understands pattern and suggests action for each patient.
Rolyte patient intelligent app can be used, to track health patterns and vital sings and analyzed with smart features placed in application. Our platform is intelligent, scalable, secure and interoperable which intends to deploy globally managing tens of millions of patient records.
How it works –
DATA NORMALIZATION – Ensure that data coming from multiple health devices have commonality and intelligent consistent analysis can be done.
PRECISION MEDICINE – Ensure that preventive care, disease management and palliative care are synchronous and results are tightly integrated with each other with minimal invasive steps.
OPTIMUM PATIENT DOCTOR INTERACTIONS – Ensure that Patients have optimum time utilisation with each of their meetings with Doctors. Doctors can focus on core values of cure with support from an intelligent assistant.
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