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Things to know before getting into search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization a.ka. Comprises of On-Page and Off-Page Activities. Right? Well, the fact of the matter is that there is more to it. In this cut-throat competition where every Business is rooting for a little edge, you can't be just basic and SEO Company in India know that.

Things to know before getting into search engine optimization

Thursday October 26, 2017 , 3 min Read

Search Engine Optimization a.ka. Comprises of On-Page and Off-Page Activities. Right? Well, the fact of the matter is that there is more to it. In this cut-throat competition where every Business is rooting for a little edge, you can't be just basic and SEO Company in India know that. Some of the best SEO companies  has really dug deep into this area and came up with things that go beyond just On-Page and Off-Page activities and should help your website rank much better on Search Engine Result Page.


Power of Google+

So many Businesses ignore Google Plus completely, let alone running Marketing Campaigns on it. Google consistently rewards Businesses with better Rankings on their Search Engine who are active on Google+. In fact, it has been one of the strongest ranking factors for many years, as long as Google+ came into existence. Best SEO Company in India understand the power of Google+ on any Business and take this platform with utmost seriousness.

If you don't have a plan on how to go about using this platform for your business, you should at least create a profile with your Logo and a Banner, fill out the basic info of your Business like your Website, Address, etc.

Readability: The Future of SEO

So you're optimizing your keyword density, alt text of images, Meta descriptions and all those good stuff. Great! But don't be surprised if you still don't rank high when you're using too many heavy words, long sentences per paragraph and literally, not take care of your content's readability.

Taking care of readability doesn't just means that you have to take care of spelling mistakes, rather it means to make your content understandable to the widest audience possible. Best SEO Company India understands the importance of Flesch Score on their Search Rankings.

To improve your Flesch Score, edit your content and use fewer words per sentence, use words with a smaller number of Syllables, use more Transition Words and phrases and less Passive Sentences.

The Fuss of Anchor Text

We know that Anchor Text is the text of the link and it is again one of the strongest ranking factors. So what's the catch in here?

The catch is that building 100s of backlinks to a site with exactly matching Anchor Text will prevent your website from ranking high for that Keyword. Now, another thing to note is that it's OK to have your target keyword in your anchor text, but that should not be the only keyword in all of your links. Also, you should use LSI Keywords for a good mix and natural looking impression or else, Google will know that you are gaming the system.

Here is an example of bad Anchor Text for link building:

Anchor Link-

Anchor Text- Your Complete SEO Guide- 200 links

Here is an example of good Anchor Text for link building:

Anchor Link-

Anchor Text- Your Complete SEO Guide- 10 Links

Your Guide To Better SEO- 5 Links

Your One Stop Guide to Rank Higher- 25 Links

Your Online Guide to Perform Better SEO- 15 Links

A Little Insight from SEO Company in India

SEO can be tricky in a lot of aspects and you should seek professional help from Best SEO  Companies to improve your Search Engine Rankings. Optimizing your Website/Webpage can cost your website if you don't understand the know-hows and technicalities of Search Engine Optimization.