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Six reasons why every professional writer opts for auditing content

Everything related to your SEO strategy can fail if the content audit is not done perfectly. To avoid any silly mistake, hire a content writer in India who can complete the entire process flawlessly.

Six reasons why every professional writer opts for auditing content

Friday April 07, 2017 , 4 min Read

The optimization strategies developed for your site cannot be implemented successfully without suitable content. Thus, while writing for SEO purposes, every professional content writer in India opts for auditing it.

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Content audit is a process which includes creating a complete inventory of every piece of indexable contents you have and then analyzing those using a number of performance metrics. Once the process completes, it becomes clear to you, which piece of writings should be as they are and which of those need improvement.

However, apart from identifying the areas of improvement, there are many other purposes too behind a content audit. The top reasons are listed below-

Identifying the ways to escape penalties from search engines: Every search engine has its own guidelines. To rank higher in these search engines, you will need to create content as per those guidelines. Otherwise, there will be high chances for getting penalized which can have severe negative impacts on ranking. Auditing the content helps writers to check whether the writing matches criteria mentioned by search engines or not.

Identifying editing needs: A piece of content which is not edited properly can kill your entire optimization effort. All major search engines puts the maximum importance on quality and user experience while analyzing the content and ranking those. If the writings you are publishing online contain lots of grammatical or punctuation errors, the experience of users deteriorates. As a result, getting higher ranks becomes quite difficult.

A content audit is an effective way for determining which writings need editing. The task may sound easy, though actually it is not. You can hire a content writer in India for proofreading and editing your online publications thoroughly. If possible, you can try creating own team too for providing the audience with best quality content only.

Determining contents that should be updated: Providing your audience with evergreen content is an effective way to retain them. Many writing expert's also consider that keeping your content up-to-date and feeding the site with current information is another useful way for attracting the visitors and compelling them to visit your site repeatedly. Through audit, you can identify which writings should be kept fresh all the time. Every site has some writings which need to be modified with new information regularly. Through auditing only, a writer can locate such content and make it fresh again.

Knowing which content should be removed from site: All content published to your site may not be up to the mark. Presence of such writings in the site affect the overall user experience and lowers the rank. To optimize the site perfectly, you have to remove all such poor quality content. However, identifying such content can be challenging. You have to consider a number of facts for identifying these malicious writing pieces. Thus, take help from professional writers to detect those content which can degrade quality of your site and remove those.

There may be many content which are written on overlapping topics. While visiting your site, a visitor expects fresh content which is stuffed with relevant information. If you keep writing on the same topic again and again, visitors will find your site repetitive and over time, they will lose interest. To grow interest of users, keep checking the site continuously and identify those which are written on similar themes.

There is only one way to avoid such issues. You have to identify a number of themes related to your business and develop content centering on such themes. For getting better results, you should know what the audience want. Thus, every professional content writer in India, conducts a lot of research before starting to write. The extensive research helps them to know what interests the target audience and how the information should be presented to them.

Knowing specific keyword for specific content: For getting better ranking, each piece of content published within your site should contain keywords which should be placed strategically. However, it is necessary to be tricky while including new content to the site. At first identify which keyword would go perfectly with a content and then use it accordingly. Also, look for those contents which are ranking well for some keywords. These findings will help you to revise the optimization strategies to get the most out of them.

Knowing which contents are performing well: A content audit is not all about finding out the faults only. Rather, you can know the strength of the site too from outcomes of the audit. Thorough analysis of contents help you to identify which are contributing to the success. You can also know which page of the site is doing well and how to leverage these. It again helps you to revise the optimization strategies and get benefited.

