Top three facts of cloud security that you need to remember
Security is one of the most integral aspects of cloud computing and if you are planning to invest in it, you should have a clear knowledge of all the probable security issues of cloud computing. In fact, in the present scenario when most of the business owners are not sure about whether or not to invest in cloud, security is one of the biggest concerns that they worry about.
Security is one of the most integral aspects of cloud computing and if you are planning to invest in it, you should have a clear knowledge of all the probable security issues of cloud computing. In fact, in the present scenario when most of the business owners are not sure about whether or not to invest in cloud, security is one of the biggest concerns that they worry about. Till date, there are many business owners who think that on premise is a safer and better option as compared to a cloud based solution. In fact, there are also many entrepreneurs who think that cloud is probably the least safe place on the earth to store one’s important documents.
However, talking about cloud security, it depends on the perception of the individual organization and the leadership skills of the leading professionals of the organisation. It’s the responsibility of the management professionals to determine whether or not a cloud deployment is the right strategy for the organization. In general, cloud adoption is growing at a rapid rate and hence, it’s important to know the different aspects of cloud computing security.
· Cloud security is one of the top concerns of 2015 – According to the studies, conducted during 2015, cloud security has been one of the major concerns of the IT executives, over the past few years. Apart from these, a number of researches were conducted which show that thirty six percent of the IT executives mentioned security as their first priority, while thirty one percent of them mentioned cloud to be one of the first initiatives that they would like to take.
· Public vs. private is not the end of the story – One of the major concerns regarding cloud security is the level of security offered by the public cloud and private cloud. While it’s true that a public cloud environment offers more control over the data and better compliance to PCI and HIPPA standards, there are also certain advantages of opting for a public cloud environment. Basically the security issues get determined by the overall cloud strategy that an organization adopts and also by how the managers are using the technology.
· The growth of cloud security market – According to the market report that has been created based on multiple researches, the market for the different security services and products is growing at an exponential rate across the globe. At the same time, it has also been found that the demand for cloud-based security solutions is leading the industry. According to the prediction of the industry experts, the market size for cloud based security solutions will reach around $9 billion by the end of 2019.
These are the major security concerns of cloud computing that every business owner should be aware of. Apart from these, it should also be kept in mind that over the past few years 43% of the companies experienced data breaches, and they had to suffer the obvious consequences of this data loss as well. This is why it’s important to be aware of the ongoing market trends and take a wise decision.
Reference URL - http://www.techrepublic.com/article/cloud-security-10-things-you-need-to-know/