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Things You Need to Consider Before Having a Cosmetic Procedure

Just because a treatment is non-invasive, doesn’t mean you should give it any less thought than you would a surgical procedure. Here are the things to consider.

Monday January 09, 2017 , 4 min Read

Cosmetic enhancement is becoming increasingly popular and socially acceptable. This is great news for anyone who has experienced the embarrassment of feeling that one of their features simply doesn’t fit – whether it’s a nose that ruins an otherwise perfect profile, acne scars left over from a hormonal adolescence, or lines which seem premature for a person of your age. Thankfully, we now live in a world where, if something is affecting your confidence, you can correct it – and that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to submit to invasive surgery.

Cosmetic advances mean there’s now a non-invasive option for almost every issue. Non-surgical nose jobs (where dermal fillers are used to alter the shape and contours of the nose), CoolSculpting (where controlled cooling is used to permanently break down targeted fat cells, as an effective alternative to liposuction), skin resurfacing (whether through EndyMed 3DEEP, laser therapy or chemical peels), as well as Botox and fillers for anti-ageing…all these treatments have the advantages of being non-invasive and reversible, and involve little-to-no downtime. Even better, most non-invasive treatments show their effects gradually and in increments (Botox, for example, can take around 2 weeks to show its full effects), so if you don’t want to let on you’ve had some work done, you can avoid that ‘big reveal’ moment.

However, even if a treatment is non-invasive, that doesn’t mean you should give it any less thought than you would a surgical procedure. Just because you can get Botox in your lunch hour doesn’t mean it should be a spur-of-the-moment decision, and there are a number of things you should consider very seriously before you commit to your cosmetic procedure of choice.

Your Reasons for Having a Procedure

If you’re in a vulnerable stage of your life, you might think that changing your looks will make you happy, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Cosmetic enhancement can’t fix an ailing relationship, cure anxiety, or improve your social skills – and while it may help to boost your confidence, if you suffer from low self-esteem the cause may be internal, not just external. It’s important to consider your reasons for having a procedure and whether the results you’re hoping for are achievable.

It’s also important not to be reactive when it comes to cosmetic procedures. If you’ve been thinking about a procedure for a while, you’re more likely to end up happy with the results than if you’re suddenly get it done on a whim because someone made a comment about a wrinkle you hadn’t noticed before. Attend a consultation about your chosen procedure, but remember you don’t have to commit to it on the spot – you can go away and have a think about it outside the environment of the surgery, to make sure it’s really what you want.

Finding a Doctor You Can Trust

If you’ve thought your procedure through and are determined to go ahead, then invest in ensuring it is performed by a qualified doctor – and certainly confirm that your practitioner is registered with the General Medical Council, meaning they are held to the highest standard of professional ethics and practice. It’s a good idea to ask to see examples of your doctor’s previous work, too – and the manner of your practitioner can give you a good feel for how they approach their work. A doctor who takes time to explain the procedure and its risks and urges you to take the time to think it over is more worthy of your trust than one who encourages you to get additional procedures you hadn’t previously been considering, or rushes you to come to a quick decision.

Ultimately, the process of undergoing a non-invasive procedure should be just as stringent as an invasive surgery – you should carefully consider your motivations and expectations, and make sure the doctor you’re entrusting with your precious face is worthy of that trust. Cosmetic enhancement can be a wonderful confidence boost, and a life-affirming lift for your self-image – but it’s not for everyone, and it’s not right for every circumstance. Taking the time to think things through gives you the best possible chance of being happy with the results of your procedure – and something as important as your looks are worth taking your time over.

by Revere Clinics