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Train Elevated Bus to Start in China

Friday May 27, 2016 , 2 min Read

Designs for an elevated bus that carries passengers over cars have been unveiled by engineers in China. At the 19 Beijing International High-Tech Expo, engineers revealed a sensational concept of Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) which can move  above the road surface while cars drive through the tunnel-like space beneath it.

The engineer in charge of the TEB project Mr Bai Zhiming said that it will have a capacity of over 1200 passengers , compared to the same capacity of the standard subway trains , but the fact over is that it will cost just one fifth of the total cost of building a subway train. The TEB design in the expo seemed like a toy railway set, but it can be a game changer in the future technology of the city transport to CHINA.

The Chinese newspaper "The People's Daily" claimed that the first tests of the bus are scheduled to start during the second half of this year in Qinhuangdao City. According to the sources, the TEB can be put into use on the streets of CHINA by the end of this year. It can be a real game changer to the China's traffic problems in coming times.

 If the technology is inspired for India as well, it can be a real game changer for the Indian street issues and the increasing vehicles on a day to day basis . Plus it can be a great convenience to people travelling from one point of city to another.