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i can hardly express!!
This is my thoughts in way of poem to show how important role a woman plays in each of us life.Woman i can hardly expressWhat position u hold whichever may be the place...You understand the words that r not even said...You work like u r highly paid and never tired...Woman i can hardly express..What position u hold whichever may b d place....Its ok if u receive but u never take....U sacrifice everything with smile nd graceI am always in your debt....Least is my thankfulnessFor showing me d path of success....Woman i can hardly express..What position u hold whichever may b d place...Woman just u want z a respective place in heart of men....U understand your child...and your men...U give life after knowing that u r going to suffer so much of pain...Woman please let me explain...D role u play in life of every menAs Mother..As sister...As friend As lover...As wife...As Teacher and sometime as a stranger...In every every play..U give your best..but u never proof u never say...Woman please let me explain...U bleed for days u work with pain...Still sum says u r not strong as much as men...Let me say it again and again...Woman u deserve d best of men...U deserve d respect and all loveToday and tomorrow Now and forever...U r d most precious creature God has made ever....Woman i can hardly express...What place u hold whichever may b d place....In every men's Life "U" r there by God grace....Woman i can hardly express...Woman i can hardly express.....

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