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Best Marketing Tips for More Clients - Sunil Muniraj

Marketing Tips

Best Marketing Tips for More Clients - Sunil Muniraj

Monday October 24, 2016 , 1 min Read


Being one among Bangalore's start-up founders, Sunil Muniraj discovered a handful of secrets that allowed him to multiply his customer base, during his initial days of entrepreneurship. Let us see what they are -

1. Possessing a deep understanding of target audience is essential to grab customer's attention.

2. Trying to call as many as relevant customers daily to make sure at least few of them results in lead conversion.

3. Staying active across the social media sites offer a good platform to catch hold of potential customers.

4. Client conversion takes place mainly when calls are backed with follow ups.

5. Offering discounts creates magic in customer retention.

6. Create effective strategies for successful advertising campaigns.

7. Continue attending trade fairs and other related events to broaden your network.