How to check your voter identity card details online
Here you have to two ways to check your voter identity card details.
In this method #1 you are supposed to visit the electoral search website , one of the official website which was maintained by the C-DAC on contracting basis with the help of election commission of India. Once you were enrolled for new voter identity card within a span of two to three weeks all of your details will be stored in their data base which can helpful for you in future in case if you had lost your identity card or to carry out as an general identity card purpose. Here is the complete step by process :
1) Visit the official website here : Electoral search
2) Now , you have two options to find out the details , one is through the epic number and another is to fill out the information like name ,age , constituency , etc. similar like aadhar card status - In case if you do have want to make any updates via SSUP you can make updates on it., you can track the application status of voter id with the help of the Electoral search.
3) For instance, Let's take an example here :
So , in the form , I have entered the details as like follows :
• Name
• Age
• Father's Name
• DOB , State , Constituency

4) Now , just click on search. Within seconds , your details will be displayed on the screen. You can now verify all of the details there, you can even take out the print out of your voter identity card.

5) That's the one way to find out your voter identity card details online in India through your personnel information. If you have epic id number along with you, then you can check out the option 2 on the electoral search website.
METHOD - # 2
If your details has been not found on electoral search website , you have other option to find your details via state wide election website. Every state has an CEO website in which all of your details has been stored in their date base. In such case you can visit their website to find out the details. Below is the complete step by step information to find your voter identity card details online.
1) For example , let us take Delhi as an example here , the official link here :
2) Now , you can enter the details as like above, and click on search now:

3) Once , you were done, a list of information with similar names will be displayed on screen. Choose your name and find the details. If you wish to take out the printout there is an option listed.

Some of the most frequent asked questions :
Q.1 - How many days does it takes place after applied for voter id card , details were found on the website?
A: Usually as per election commission terms and conditions , it will take anywhere between 2-3 weeks after your voter identity card has been dispatched to your address.
Q.2 - I have voter id card , but my details were not found on the electoral search either state CEO website ?
A: This mostly happen in two cases , 1 . You have entered wrong details , or your details has not been shared by the election commission of India. Usually it won't happen , but in case contact the nearby booth level officer.
Q.3 - I lost my voter identity card , but I can find my details via online , if I supposed to take out the printout will it be used for general elections ?
A : No ! You can only use that for identity purpose only. you must applied for duplicate voter id card.
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