Explaining HR policies and procedures to employee is crucial to improve employee productivity
HR department, i.e. The Human Resource Management department is the heart of any organization. It is vital for every company, whether it is a startup or a big corporate entity. There are very few people who actually know importance of this department. HR policies and procedures are a key part of the HR department.
The HR department manager has to perform the functions of hiring, recruiting, selecting, training, developing employees. Designing HR policies and procedures for an organization is the key function of HR head. It demands lots of time as it is to be crafted after minute analysis of organization structure and culture. Every company has different policies and procedures as every company has different objectives, mission and vision. It is the responsibility of employees to follow HR policies and procedure and it is the role of a HR head to check whether employees are following HR policies and procedures.
Let us understand what does policies and procedures means?
A policy is a formal statement of rules and regulations and organization is bound to follow such policy. Procedures are a pathway to follow policies of an organization.
“Policies are a blueprint and procedures are a Map”
Policy tells WHAT is to be done by members of the organization and procedure tells HOW it is to be done and HR manager will decide when it is to be done and by whom it is to be performed.
Making HR policies and procedures is not enough. Every employee should know the policies and procedures of the company. If they are clear about objectives, values, ethics they will connect themselves with a company. The relation between company and employees is important to upgrade company’s procedures.
HR policies and procedures are base for foundation for any organization. It has direct relation with productivity of employees, as policies and procedures bring harmony in the organization.
1. Improves interaction
Interaction solves many problems. Simpler communication flow will build organizational workflow. Every employee should know the answers of following questions.
- Who is immediate superior?
- Who is immediate subordinate?
- To whom he needs to report?
- Who will direct him to work?
- Who are his peers?
2. Legal compliance
To ensure smoothness in operational activities, it is necessary to maintain legal documents. Legal compliance will help employers and employees to solve issues. HR policies and procedures should always comply with the legality of a country. If employees are clear about legal compliance they are bound to work accordingly.
3. Parity between authority and responsibility
Employees are aware about authority and responsibility and they have clear sets of roles. They will get an idea how to work in an organization. They will have a proper understanding about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in an organization.
4. Dynamism
HR policies and procedures should not be too rigid to hinder employees’ creativity. It will increase turnover ratio. Dynamism in HR policies will bring wellness into an organization and wellness will reduce turnover and increases productivity of employees.
5. Consistent
Productivity and consistency always go parallel. Productivity of employees will lead to consistency in a system and consistency will increase productivity. If employees are aware about policies and procedures, productivity is the byproduct. Lack of knowledge of HR policies and procedures will lead to dissatisfaction among employees. It will give birth to grape wine communication.
6. Minimization of gaps
Gaps between employees and employers are undesirable, but it is present in every organization. Bridging these gaps is vital to have peace in the organization. Proficiency in workforce capabilities can be attained if these gaps are minimized. Gaps can be minimized by maintaining and managing talent pool in an optimum way.
7. Psychological impact
To know the attitude of employees towards Organization and higher authority will help HR head to redesign HR values. Perception can be made by building an authentic work culture of an organization. Productivity can be gained only if there is coordination between employers needs and employers expectation. Needs and expectations are two sides of the same coins. They can build or destroy the organization.
Everyone wants to work effectively to gain efficiency. The organization should provide proper resources to gain efficacy among employees. Poor morale, low productivity and higher turnover ratio are key issues which should be solved by HR head immediately. Negative cycle should be broken in no time it may be possible if employees are well aware about policies and procedures.