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Get serious about doing business in India: Launch your own start-up

Millions of people out there are hoping for a better life. As the years go by, they are more and more disappointed, not to mention frustrated

Get serious about doing business in India: Launch your own start-up

Wednesday August 29, 2018 , 5 min Read

Millions of people out there are hoping for a better life. As the years go by, they are more and more disappointed, not to mention frustrated. India, which is the 6th richest country on the globe, abounds in opportunities. While it is true that the country has had few development opportunities, it presents many opportunities for entrepreneurship. India is easier for entrepreneurs from democracies like Italy to understand. What is more, it has managed to win over the trust of international investors who cannot wait to see India thrive. There are countless people who are simply waiting to follow their aspirations for a better life. As you can imagine, the younger population is not interested in working in agriculture. Do you not want to break the mould? When you decide that opening an office in India is the smart thing to do, use the following tips.


Come up with a business idea

So, you know for sure that you want to establish an enterprise. However, you have no clue whatsoever what to do. Your business idea does not have to be revolutionary. Nobody expects you to invent the next Amazon. But you do have to come up with something original. The idea generation process is not easy, especially if you do not possess this innate ability. Ideally, it should be something that you love doing like cooking. The restaurant industry in India is doing pretty good, meaning that you can make a significant profit. There are plenty of opportunities for upcoming restaurant businesses, so it is worth giving it a try. Do you not fancy the idea of starting a breakfast joint? If the answer is no, then you need to keep on looking. There are many profitable businesses that you can build from the ground up, such as travel agency, tuition centre, event organizing, etc. Determine what start-up you want to launch and, most importantly, why. And do not forget to do market research.


Constantly read start-up news

If this is your very first start-up, then chances are that you do not know what you are doing. As an entrepreneur, it is essential to keep up with the trends in the sector that you have your eyes on. What you need to do right now is to make a list of possible sources. Pay close attention to the businesses that people are building, especially in local communities. Understand what the advantages and disadvantages are of launching an enterprise. Ensure that you do not waste any resource. Nowadays, there are many mobile applications that help you stay on top of current events. The news is updated instantly and presented in the fewest words possible.

India business speaks English

English is the global language of business, yet that is not a secret. Just about in the corporate world is capable of uttering a few words in English. What you may not know is the fact that this language has a special importance in India, playing an essential part in the construction of the modern country. If your command of English is not that good, think about taking lezioni inglese via Skype. It is recommendable to take business English classes. Even if you can speak the language, you still need to improve your skills and learn the vocabulary that is used in the working world. At one point or another, you will put in the situation of writing reports or giving presentations. Your current knowledge of the English language will not be enough to get out of the messy situation. Since English is used more than any other language it is worth studying it a little bit further.

Although Hindi was declared the official language, people in India use British English. This is the country’s lingua franca. In case you were wondering, British English is pretty special too. The language is nothing like American as far as phonology, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. The best way to learn it is with the help of a native speaker. As mentioned earlier, you can take lessons via Skype. Besides the fact that there is absolutely no need to travel, you get the chance to converse with someone with whom you can connect easily. You do not have to mimic the British accent, but you do have to learn the British way of speaking English. A native speaker will help you understand the language, as well as the culture. At the end of the courses, you will be able to express your thoughts and feelings with regards to different issues. Think about it.

Build a successful business in India

Your start-up company does not really need a private office. It makes no sense spending your money on renting office space when you can work from your home. When you move to India, do not take furnishings or branding material with you. In the beginning, you will not need all of that. Your attention should be focused on building and maintaining a successful company. Register your private limited company and make sure that you have enough money in your bank account. It will be necessary to pay the bills until you start making profit. If you are oblivious when it comes to technology, then you should better find a tech savvy person.

A great number of start-ups fail due to bad technical decisions. If you want your story to be a success, hire someone who has a good understanding of machinery and devices. Having the right people on your team is important. When looking to recruit personnel, do not consider only the credentials. Take into account factors like mind-set. Attitude and mental state are everything. The employees should be focused on making plans and getting things done in an efficient manner. You are responsible for all the decisions, so you should better make sure that you make the right ones. What you are attempting to do is to build something new. Find the people that can help you transform your dream into reality. Do not wait for tomorrow. 


