Meet all your favorite stars on the same page
I am Prasad, I have been running a small start-up named "Mobenter" for the past four years. We started with outsourcing work for local customers and moved on to global firms as well, but soon enough I realised my timing was wrong, web development charges had come down drastically and so I moved to making mobile apps.
Mobile apps did somewhat better, however, I wanted to do something different - how about a product for mass consumers I thought? After a lot of study, discussion and brainstorming I found nothing that would be "risk free" on the first attempt. One day, when I was travelling in train and found my fellow passenger looking at Facebook pages of Bollywood stars with Chrome browsers' bookmark, I was amazed and an idea came to my mind.
I called my brother and asked how about making a simple app that allows this? He liked it instantly. We started it in the break we had between customer projects. It took time, we worked hard to make some differentiation and we have now created something that most people who have seen it describe as "awesome".
Recently we released a revised version with several more features. I believe one day it will become the Flipboard of Facebook pages, allowing you to glide through updates from multiple Facebook stars' updates in a single screen, seamlessly. A far smoother experience than any other app, now I only use my own Facepage app for Facebook page browsing.

Facepage for Facebook Page lovers - download it from www.facepage.mobi
It is free as the idea right now is just to understand if our thought process is correct and there are no annoying ads. Eventually I want to make a product where there is no need to like pages or even sign into the app!
My next big thing is on the anvil!. While fine tuning Facepage in the past one year, I have understood how fast technology is changing - keeping pace with it is a lot of work!. So my next product will be a full-time project. I will see you all back again here!.
Look closely at the app experience. You will glide through updates between one star to another, one post to another all with just a swipe left or right!.