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A Checklist Before Choosing the Right Software Outsourcing Partner

A Checklist Before Choosing the Right Software Outsourcing Partner

Saturday July 06, 2019 , 4 min Read

Starting a company of your own has never been easy as you have to think about quality solutions that you have to offer to your customers. Compromising here will only lead to problems and lower revenues.

So, when it comes to quality, you may often face a dilemma, whether to hire an in house team for the job or to simply outsource the task to some reputed and reliable outsourcing agency.

Right Software Outsourcing Partner

So, if you have decided to go for outsourcing your software development, then choosing one that is reliable and offers high quality solutions is a must. But before you choose, do you have a check list in hand that can help you go through a pleasant outsourcing journey.

Creating such a checklist requires experience as the checklist will ensure that you take the right decision to make the most out of your outsourcing. Let’s review the checklist and help you to find the best answer:

Have You Identified Your Project’s Needs and Goals?

It is very important for business owners to understand the details about their project and also be as precise as possible. If you want others to understand your aim, objectives and your needs, then everything should be mentioned as clearly as possible.

You should be able to explain everything clearly as your remote team may be far from your location. Use simple words that are easy to understand and create a written agenda and summary for every meeting so that it is helpful for all.

Know Why to Use a Project Management Tool:

It may sound a bit unusual at the beginning, but your entire software development project will surely work flawlessly with proper communication. Using the right means of communication will not only help in great coordination, collaboration, but also ensure that your software outsourcing company delivers the work on time.

So before hiring an outsourcing agency, make sure that you check they use a proper project management tool. Feature rich collaborative tools will help you in the development process and also communicate with the developer whenever required.

What About Documentation? Follow a Proper Process

If by any mistake you choose a software outsourcing company that does not offer proper means of documentation, then you may face problems in the long run. 

Reputed outsourcing companies should offer clear instructions about the complete development process, time lines in order to avoid any misunderstanding and unnecessary delays.

Verbal communication is essential, but it is not possible to remember every details. Proper documentation is crucial to keep things well documented and also retrieve things when necessary.

A Market Research is Vital. Make Sure You Select the Best Option and the Best Price

Comparison help to choose the best solution. Before making the final choice, compare the prices, service, and also the online reviews. By choosing the best outsourcing company, you also tend to get the best value for the price.

To gather more information, you can also attend a few industries based events and take references from other companies regarding best outsourcing agencies. In doing so, you may find a good recommendation that might not be available on the internet.

You can also consider a few local lists of agencies of that company where you would like to stick to.

Does Location Matter? YES!

The location of the outsourcing company that you choose for your task may have a great impact on your project development. You may need to pay a visit to the company for your project, so choosing the location wisely will surely help. Again, remember, that time difference also plays a crucial role in outsourcing.

Hiring a software outsourcing company in India has great benefits as the time zones vary. When you sleep, your developers will work for you, thereby delivering your project at the right time without any delay. This is also a great means to save your time, effort and also money.

Regular Updates on Your Progress Will Keep You Informed. Ask for It:

When you choose your outsourcing company, it is important to stay informed about the development progress. It is not a good idea to assign the task to the company and take a back seat. This may result in too many changes or not getting the exact thing that you want. 

Getting regular updates will assure that your project is on the right track and delivers what you are exactly looking for.