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Everything you need to know about smart watches

Everything you need to know about smart watches

Monday April 30, 2018 , 2 min Read

A decade back, who would have even thought that a day would come when an advanced watch by the name of smartwatch would be ‘the next big thing’ in the market? Well, somebody did; that’s why they exist today. But what all necessary details should we know about these watches that work like a cell phone, fitness tracker, alarm clock, and what not! We have prepared a complete list of features/functions that will update your knowledge on smartwatches. Give it a read.



You can connect your smartphone to the smartwatch through Bluetooth.


Ensure that the smartwatch works well with your mobile phone as you need to pair them to receive access to apps, incoming calls, texts and e-mails.

Operating System

Bear in mind that the operating system of your phone must suit your smartwatch.


Smartwatches either have a colourful LCD screen or an AMOLED display that facilitate clear viewing with bright colours and rich images. This is a known fact that coloured displays consume more power.

Touch or Buttons

Your convenience and preference would dictate what you would choose between the two. However, if old school designs catch your eyes, then you can opt for devices with physical buttons. Though we all know that touchscreens are preferred by more people.


Most smartwatches possess features like remote camera, anti-lost function, calendar, and calculator. Smartwatches also have integrated features like that of a fitness tracker. It’s built in Pedometer feature keeps a track of the number of steps taken by you and also displays the distance covered by you in kilometers.

The heart rate sensor shows your accurate heart rate in bpm (beat per minute) on the screen.

Many smartwatches come with the GPS feature that is best suited for people who remain outdoors for most of the time.

The sleep monitor feature updates your sleep-wake cycle by keeping a track of the number of hours you are awake.

Battery life

What is the use of a smartwatch if it requires you to charge it repeatedly? Though battery life varies from model to model, you should always go for a model with longer battery life, that lasts for at least one day.


Finally, check the size of the wristband of the watch to make sure that it fits you well and is comfortable to wear even for the longer duration of time.