Top 8 Questions You Should Ask to an iOS Developer Before Hiring

hire ios developer
Apple is most popular for the purpose of app development. Moreover, quality of the apps developed on this platform is highly superior. Therefore, there is no wonders that plenty of firms looking to develop their business apps in the purpose of the iOS app development.
Therefore, finding the right iOS development firm is very vital. It is also important that you should ask certain questions which give you an assurance that iOS development company will able to build an app that justifies your business.
1. How Long Has the Been in the business of building iOS apps?
This is a first most vital question that you need to ask any professional iOS developer. It is said in any work that experience count it most. If the developers experienced one, then your apps will surely get benefit from this. Moreover, they can easily find the best tool suited to build iOS application.
2. What’s technical expertise do you have?
iOS is one of the most robust and widely popular mobile operating systems. It comes with a plethora of technical features which are helpful developing quality iOS app for your business.
Moreover, an experienced iOS developer knows the intricacies of these technical features and knows how to use them for your business.You should ask to your potential iOS development firm as they have the team of skilled developer who knows how to optimize specific technologies like the accelerometer, location-based services, health application, finance application, in-app purchases, etc.
3. Can you provide the reference for your clients?
One issue here is that some iOS developers turned over ownership of those apps which are not developed by them. So, it is important to find that the developer built those apps you need to do some verification.
The best thing to do is to ask him to provide email information about their previous or current clients which any professional iOS developers surely provides without any hesitation.
4. Do you have the developers have Apple’s API Capabilities?
You should also find out that iOS developer is know about and, also used some of Apple’s API’s. It is important nowadays that iOS developer should have advanced features for the development. He should have knowledge of developing HealthKit, HomeKit, Sirikit, CallKit, iMessage Apps etc.
5. Do You have knowledge About Apple App Store Review and Design Guidelines?
Any iOS developer who has developed great iOS Apps will have knowledge of iOS app development guidelines. And you also need to make sure that any iOS developer which you likely to select considering understands the complete process for Apple approval.
The most of Apple’s API’s have its own guidelines so you should be prepared to do some google and note down questions about this to iOS developer. You need to do this because there is nothing worse than spending money for an app which likely to rejected. But, the experience developer should never have any issues.
6. Do You know about Monetizing?
If you want to earn money with iOS app, the professional developer should have expertise in developing monetizing features. You can either opt for pay-per-download model or a free app with a option of display ads, subscription services, and in app purchases. Developer should clearly explain how they will develop these features which strategically helps you to grow your business.
7. How often Will You Communicate?
Communication is most important thing for the success of any project. It is important to ask upfront to have knowledge about how frequent communication will be needed during the iOS app development. We need to make sure that the iOS developer is ready to use your chosen method of communication, and also follow your schedule and regularly provide updates.
8. What can the essential features the developer include in the app?
While you may already have a particular idea of how your iOS app must look and function, experienced iOS developers know more than you possibly can imagine. With that in mind, it is important to ask that what are the special features he or she plans to include special features within that app.
It is always important to ask above-given questions to your iOS app developer before hiring them. Satisfying replies to all these issues will ensure that your app development will be a success and that the end-users will not receive complaints about your iOS application. Moreover, a well-designed application will help you to make more money and get more clients for your business.