Just Imprintz..!
A Life-Casting Studio to keep your memories intact
There are little moments in our lives which make us smile every time we think of them. Let it be the first time you held your life partner, the first time you held your child, the very first time you enter into your dream house and the time you held hands on your wedding day.! These events are so precious, and need to be preserved for a life time. Here is an innovative way where we create models of such moments and carry all your memories in our own way.
Yes, the first thought in the readers' mind would be a photographed piece of such memory. With photography being a passion, and peaking new heights it is tough to replace such inventions. But it is always remains a "photograph" and not a live memory.! Let me explain in a better way. The difference is like, seeing Taj Mahal on a photograph and being live at The Taj Mahal feeling the presence of Love in air. To be precise and direct to the point, Photograph is a 2-dimensional model of your memory, whereas, Life casting is a 3-dimensional model of the same.
Dr. Bhavan Chand Yemineni, a Maxillofacial Prosthodontist by profession, has excelled in reconstruction of facial parts including lost Eye, Nose, Ear and not to specify, teeth with his own ways of latest technology like implants and removable prosthesis. The art of dentistry is vast, and for a person creating smiles to people, making memories has been a challenge. The concept followed for making such prosthesis is replicated in making such lovely "customized" castings.
This innovative idea which has been restricted to many countries and has minimal awareness in our country, has kept Dr Bhavan interested of making it reality. The first "client" was his 2-month old son and his wife Dr Sameera Kaluri, who happens to be a dentist too. That life casting of his son and wife happened to be a lovely piece of work and there was no turning back. With over 500 followers on facebook and 150 clients in just 3 months of launch, as of now, their services are pertained to all parts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, with trainees based in Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam and Hyderabad. Few orders have been piled up in Bangalore. Most of the clients being Newly married couple, Engaged couple, and Just born kids. Models can be made with utmost care after the age of 3 months. It will be a home visit by the doctor himself or his attendees.
Introducing "IMPRINTZ", Life Casting Studio, a molding technique that creates a 3D copy of a living human body, with great detailing and a high level of realism. We all carry our memories in our own way. Now we have a chance to give our special moments a physical form.
"The images in your mind can now take shape in front of your eyes". Here is a new way to gift your loved ones a smile they will never forget.
Lovely capture - Baby holding Mother's hand :)