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Indian Patent filing

We provide Indian Patent filing Services and PCT filing. Our most popular service and best quality is Indian Patent Prior Art Search.Our other domains of expertise include Mechanical, Pharmaceuticals, Bio Engineering.

Friday July 22, 2016 , 5 min Read

International patent filing

International patent Filing also known as International Patent Classification (IPC) id well ordered and maintained system. This patent classification system is used by over 100 odd countries in order to classify the contents of patents in a uniform manner so that no problems starts up in future days. It was created by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) under Strasbourg Agreement as one of the treaties administered by it. Updating of this Classification is done regularly by a committee consisting of experts and representatives of the contracting states along with the observers from other committees like European Patent Office.

Patent Publications from all the contracting states along with them most of the others too are given at least one classification term. Also the subject or category to which the invention relates is also given and further it is classified and indexed based on the details obtained. Each classification term consists of symbols which represents hand tools. Examples for those symbols are A01B/00. Here first letter which is present is considered as Section symbol of letter A which can be Human Necessities. Like that only H represents Electricity. Then comes class symbol which is two digit numbers which is A01 which includes Agriculture, animal husbandry, trapping, fishing etc. And final one is the subclass. Subclass is then followed by one to three digit group numbers which can be main group or subgroup.

A professional person known as patent examiner is the one who assigns a classification to the patent application in the most detailed way with help of which is applicable to its contents. Some of the Section symbols and their representation are given below.

A: Human Necessities

B: Performing Operations, Transporting

C: Chemistry, Metallurgy

D: Textiles, Paper

E: Fixed Constructions

F: Mechanical Engineering, Lighting, Heating, Weapons

G: Physics

H: Electricity

PCT Filing Services, patent in US are of high quality. We undertake patent draft, patent search, patent filing and patent prosecution. We are group of members who are well trained and we help in such matters to the people. Professor Pavan Mamidi is the one who is our advisor. He is Doctor in Philosophy from Oxford University. He is the one who taught us courses on legal institutions and has helped a lot to reach this position. We also concentrate on patent filing, Legal process outsourcing, US patent filing, International patent filing, Patent Drafting, Patent prosecution and other law services to the people.

our other services include

International Patent filing 

Legal Process Outsourcing 

Patent agent 

Patent attorney 

Patent filing

PCT is a famous filing most commonly known as Patent Co- operation treaty. It was concluded in the year 1970. IT has a unified procedure to protect the inventions contracted in particular states. The patent which is filed under PCT is known as International patent application or PCT application. One file of PCT application is made with a RO known as receiving office in 1 language. Later it is searched and approved by ISA known as international searching authority concluded by a neatly written and stored opinion regarding the patent-ability of invention which is called the subject of the application. Later it is followed optionally by Preliminary tests conducted by IPEA an International Preliminary Examination Authority. Later administrators and regional authorities discuss about the preliminary examination and later issue the patent. There are many Service providers in India and all over the World. But we are experts in this things and have done many patents. We also do patent registration, US patent filing, International patent filing, Patent drafting, Patent outsourcing, patent agent and patent prosecution .We provide Indian Patent filing Services and PCT filing. Our most popular service and our best quality is Indian Patent Prior Art Search services too.Our many other domains of expertise include Mechanical, Pharmaceuticals, Bio Engineering. Any state member can be a part of PCT. Only with the help of PCT filing we cannot issue the patent as there is no such thing called International patent.

Patent invalidation 

Patent validity Search

Prior art search

Provisional patents 

U.S patent Filing 

PCT application is the one that establishes a filing date in all the contracting states,which must be followed up with the simple step of entering into the national or other regional phases in order to proceed towards grant of one or more patents. The main procedure of PCT is essentially leads to a standard national or standard regional patent application, there may chances to be granted or rejected according to rules and regulations of applicable law. The main advantages of PCT filing is its also considered as international procedure and are the possibility to delay at maximum rate. This thing has two phases and in this first one is international phase.It is the phase where the patent protection is in pending under a single application that is patent filed. Second phase is Regional phase and National phase.These patent filings are first made in single language and later it is translated to other languages as it International patent filing. We are a group of well experienced professionals who are expertise in these work and will be eagerly waiting to help the ones who are in need.

We are Leagal law service providers and we help to provide various details. Our company name is ipmetrix and our website is ipmetrix

Patent technology landscaping

Patent drafting 

Patent outsourcing 

Patent registration

Patent Analytics

Patent Illustrations