Ever wondered if the countless number of blogs that you write is generating the leads that you require?
Or, is the audience cherishing the posts that you weave?
Or, worst still, does your content not attract the intended target audience?
Fret not.
Take a look at these prime pointers that would alter your content marketing strategy radically and would help you strike the right chord with your audience.
Your content just does not need to be a blog. Explore various alternatives such as Posters, Infographics, and Charts that will not just be rich in terms of content but are visually appealing too. Also, you can look into other options such as video blogs that are not just engaging but are interactive as well. You can harness the power of video blogs and post your content in such a manner that your audience is drawn into your content. Further, you can keep these hints in your mind when you create a powerful content.
i. Refine your idea:
One you get an idea, refine it until you have what you need
ii. Choose the right form of your content:
Depending on the content that you have, choose the right medium for the content
iii. Do A/B testing if needed:
If you feel that you are not sure of which medium would work best, you can always do A/B testing to decipher the same.
iv. Roll out the content:
Once you are confident of your content, roll it out to your audience with style!

The degree of research you undertake is going to give your blog the traction and visibility it needs. So, never shy away from undertaking research.
When you are weaving your content, make sure that you don’t cook information up to balance something. Also, you must ensure that you give an exhaustive content rather than one that strings multiple information to a piece. Also, when you are choosing to write your content, you can think of adding a value or rolling out a tidbit that has not been covered elsewhere. No matter what the content is, think of giving your write-up a new perspective and new angle.
As always, any content that you post on an exclusive basis will certainly sell.
Who cares for any content which is a mere rejig of existing blog. Everyone seeks something new. So, come what may try not to imitate some other content. However, you can certainly draw inspiration from other content and try to come up with your unique tone and style.
What’s more, your target audience will indeed appreciate your content if you can consistently manage to maintain your style and tone of writing. In fact, over a period of time, your tone and style may actually become your identity.
So, try your might to constantly hone your style, tone and this will definitely generate better content.

Don’t be verbose with your content. Instead, handpick those words that would convey all that you need to say. In fact, if you are not sure of using any phrase or content, conveniently refrain from using the same. After all, words have high impact, so choose your words with caution post extensive spadework.

Originally published at: http://www.brandmoustache.com/blog/get-better-at-content-marketing/