A win-win situation for Indian coffee startups
Indian Coffee Startups like Blue Tokai, Flying Squirrel, and The Indian Beans have taken their big bets in Indian coffee market and these players are going to win the game with the support of the Indian government and the venture capitalists.

Photo by Sabri Tuzcu on Unsplash
Having been reported, 70% of the coffee produced in India is exported to foreign countries. This makes Indian coffee drinkers to thrive on the rest of the 30 %. Well, this big piece of the cake being exported may become a concerning factor for the Indian economy as well as the growing numbers of coffee drinkers in the country. But the trend of coffee consumption is changing and that's where these new coffee entrepreneurs saw a big opportunity and have made their big bets.
Indian coffee drinkers have been having a compromising behavior towards coffee and these trend is swiftly changing. A coffee aficionado would have multiple choices for his home-brewed coffee. While the shelves of supermarkets and stores have the roasted coffee which is quite older (1 month to whopping 6 months) for having the authentic pleasure of coffee drinking, they do not really have any choice for that perfectly brewed fresh coffee.
Have you ever thought why Cafe Coffee Day and Barista Lavazza kind of coffee bars are more being loved as the perfect coffee shops for the coffee connoisseurs? Freshly roasted and ground coffee beans, and the brewing methods are what make them different from the coffee we usually have it at home.
They took time like some 15ish years to set their foot in the Indian market and now it is the right time for the Indian coffee entrepreneurs to foray into this current situation as the initiative 'Startup India' and 'Make In India' has the back of these new startups. Let's see how the Indian government is making its steps towards helping such startups and ventures.
Coffee Entrepreneurs And Coffee Startups Are Going To Be Backed Up By VCs And The Government Of India
The Ministry of Commerce and Industries has instructed the Coffee Board of India to find out the coffee-related startups which need substantial support to take their ventures ahead. In a talk with Businessline, the chief secretary of the department of commerce in The Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Rita Teaotia has said that the government was profoundly committed that Make In India and StartUp India would benefit consumer-domain industries.
What Are Their Efforts?
She said that the government would help the young and new coffee entrepreneurs considering exponentially growing coffee consumption and shifting coffee habits in India.
“We have already requested the Chairman of the Coffee Board to focus their efforts in this region, and identify some start-ups whom we can do hand-holding. We want to make everything accessible to them"
And further added,
“The aim is to channelize these start-ups towards the kind of policies that have already been announced and enable them to access all the benefits. We have asked the Coffee Board to make this a regular activity.”
The Chief Secretary was present at the International Coffee Festival held in Mumbai and presented a keynote address. Where she mentioned that "the government is eagerly looking for the venture capitalists and the other people who are willing to invest in the coffee sector through their talent, expertise, commitment, and the resources."
Well, one more organization, Indian Coffee Trust (ICT) is working to promote and to enlarge the footprint of the coffee across the country. This organization is made up of the key stakeholders of the coffee industry. It holds the events to promote at different places across the country.
What Are These Startups All About?
Blue Tokai, Flying Squirrel, and The Indian Beans are the latest coffee ventures in the Indian market. The main idea is to provide their consumers the freshly roasted beans as soon as possible on their orders. Not to mention, these startups are not only limited to e-commerce. For an instance, there are total 10 Blue Tokai coffee shops across the country which provides the authentic Indian Arebica brewed in the best espresso machines.
These companies have their own plantations in Coorg, Kodaikanal and in the neighboring regions to make their coffee better in scientific agricultural ways. They know how coffee lovers are passionate about the richness of the coffee and the source of it.
Shifting of the compromising behavior of the people and the support of the government initiatives, and the interest of VCs to escalate this kind of startups make a win-win situation for coffee entrepreneurs.