Calling sick? Wait
Hello wonderful readers...
I can’t wait to share some of my experience and experiment with you. I hope it will help you the way it helped me. I have been working since I was 18 years old and by now I feel it’s been forever. But for me not working is not an option and it never was. Everybody gets tired and I am not the exception I get tired too, there are times I just don’t want to get up from my bed at all. I am sure this happens to most of you as well. Don’t you just feel like sleeping the whole day during weekdays and do nothing, as harsh as it may sound but most of us can’t afford to do that. We have deadlines to meet, prior commitments and a hell lot of things waiting for us. Calling sick where someone really can’t afford to come to office and have a genuine reason is fine but what about those lazy days, when you are PMS-ing and had a really bad morning where you just want to quit for the day. There are times when you just don’t feel good without any reason, trust me I am a girl I know what it’s like to be in that state. So when you know calling sick is going to affect your performance and that’s not even an option for you, what would you do???
This is a tried and tested method by me and it works for me, I wish it works for you too. So whenever you have a bad morning and a grumpy mood and just want to call sick wait for a minute, wash your face stand in front of your wardrobe and pick your best outfit, that pair of heels you are saving for some occasion, your favourite lipstick, favourite pair of earrings and get ready, get ready as you are going to walk the ramp now. You will definitely feel the move and pumped up. Now go to your work, show yourself that you can do it, you can handle your bad mornings like you are the queen. Create your own ramp and then do the ramp walk with the head up high. Not only you will be present for that day but people will notice you, compliment you. Don’t you feel good when eyes turn towards you, when you are walking up the corridor. So ladies lets welcome all those bad mornings and give them a makeover now. Do let me know how it turned out for you??
RIKI- Creating possibilities