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Get More Comments on Linkedin Posts — Follow These 5 Mandatory Tips

Get More Comments on Linkedin Posts — Follow These 5 Mandatory Tips

Tuesday December 10, 2019 , 4 min Read

There are 9 billion content impressions in the Linkedin feed every week.

More than half of all social traffic to B2B sites come directly from Linkedin.

Linkedin has become the largest professional platform at present. It was started to bridge the gap between candidates and recruiters.

However, right now, it has become the most favourite place for the content creators, professionals and creative artists to show their talent and build relationships with the prospects.

Linkedin has demonstrated the highest organic reach among all the social media platforms in recent times.

By writing compelling, informative posts, you can reach thousands of people existing across various geographical areas.

Yet, many people can’t maximise the benefits since they don’t get as much traction on their posts as expected.


People are making elementary mistakes while writing posts. Also, they are trying to sell themselves instead of providing informative content and educating the audience.

In this article, I’m going to mention some tips and tricks, using which, you can get more traction and reach the desired audience.

Write the compelling opening lines

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While writing a post on Linkedin, your first objective is to convince the reader to read it till the end.

Whether a person is viewing your post on desktop or mobile app version, only the first two lines are visible to him.

If those lines are compelling enough and impress the reader, he will hit the “SEE MORE” button and read your entire post.

However, compelling introductory lines don’t mean you should add clickbait words like “This is the best strategy”, “You can’t afford to miss this” etc. Instead, make those lines interesting enough so they give an impression that there will be a value addition for the reader if he reads the post till the end.

If a person reads your entire post, there are high chances he will comment and express gratitude to you.

Insert white space between two paragraphs and keep them short

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When you create a post, you want to increase the readability so the reader can comfortably read it without getting distracted.

What’s the best way to do it?

  • Add white space between two paragraphs. After writing one paragraph, press ENTER 2 times and then start the second paragraph.

  • Keep the paragraphs short (2–3 lines maximum)

  • Don’t mention hashtags in between the paragraphs. Hashtags are visible in blue font due to which they divert the attention of the readers. Hence, mention 3–4 hashtags at the end of the post.

  • Don’t insert links (Linkedin pushes down the post if there are outside links mentioned in it).

  • Don’t add too many emojis or symbols. If you want to show some points in bullet style, give them numbers like 1), 2), 3) etc.

Share the link to the post within your network

Performance of a post highly depends on how much people engage with it within the first half an hour.

Linkedin algorithm closely watches the engagement ratio (people who engaged with the post vis-a-vis people who view the post in their feeds).

Based on this engagement ratio, LI decides whether to show your posts to 2nd and 3rd-degree connections. Higher the engagement ratio, quickly LI will distribute the post to more people which increases the engagement expectancy.

Encourage people to express their views

At the end of your post, don’t forget to include a call-to-action, which encourages people to express their views in the comment section.

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If you can drive your readers towards action, they’ll be prompted to comment which will increase the visibility of the posts.

Engage with others

This tip is the most crucial of all — You can’t expect a higher engagement on your posts until you engage with others on their posts. When you like others’ posts and drop your point-of-views, people view your profile, see your posts in their feeds and want to share their thoughts about your posts.

“If you want your relationships to work in the long term, adopt a “give n take” approach.”

Are you maximising Linkedin to reach your prospects or the recruiters? If not, what’s stopping you from doing so?

Drop your queries and concerns in the comment section below.