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Kalpvaig Technolgies

Wings to your  Desire

Tuesday August 02, 2016 , 2 min Read

I Akshay Pratap Singh and my classmate Shashwat Singh started kalpvaig when we were in second year of our college. We started software, website and application development. We started with few out sourced project , In beginning we don`t know about anything like SRS or NDA or any other paerp work. We did not get credit for our works ,we did not get paid and we have done projects just for 2,000 and less. We have to handle college, project and personal life simultaneously, so it was tough but we managed everything. We have registered our company in august 2015 , when we were in fourth year. We started development of our own products like portal for college and school , iot and much more. We have learned everything from our experience because there is no one to guide us, we don`t have enough resources to make every our dream possible.As we know everyone do not get funding that easily. But we never lose hope and worked really hard. Now we are working with 5-6 companies on different projects ,now we are a team of ten people. I think it is easy to start any business if you are either experienced or you are from any reputed college like IIT or NIT because then u would have every resources like money place and contacts and main thing is that everyone will easily trust you. That`s why Kalpvaig Technologies started a service called K-entrepreneur. K-Entrepreneur is build to help emerging startup/Entrepreneur or anyone with billion dollar idea. Now a days resources like money, Development,space, team etc are the biggest barrier for all the entrepreneurs that's why 70% of startups fails or don't get a chance to start. But now these resources will not let any startup fail because KALPVAIG TECHNOLOGIES is providing FREE resources and help to all the entrepreneur, which can not afford team, money, development or anything. So if you think that you have billion dollar idea but you lack resources then don't wait for it Join Us and start your project now. Because we think that it really does not matter whether you are from IIT or experienced, what really matter is your confidence, patience and hard work. 

Check us on Http:// . 

Thank you