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“Design Your Early Morning”. The Ultimate Manifestation of Morning Routine to Accelerate your Growth and Desire

2020 is here, and while it’s the time to indulge in revelry and usher in new beginnings, follow these powerful morning routines to ensure you don’t fall into the trap of putting your priorities in the back burner.

“Design Your Early Morning”. The Ultimate Manifestation of Morning Routine to Accelerate your Growth and Desire

Thursday January 02, 2020 , 7 min Read

Are you quite an early riser? Or does pulling an all-nighter sound more like your thing? While most individuals are known to function differently at different times of the day; one thing is certain—your morning routine matters. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and plays a vital role in the way things pan out.


For the longest time, it was perceived that waking up early—precisely at the crack of dawn—was a sure-fire way of getting richer and more successful. The logic was simple: You wake up early, get more time for yourself, end up becoming more productive, and goes a great way in solving time management issues. But, what needs to be factored in is that merely waking up early won’t promise to do much. What really helps in the long haul is sticking to a routine that works in your favor. A great start to the morning leads to better efficiency, an instant boost in the mood, and enhanced cognitive ability. So the trick is to plan your day in accordance to what your goals are.


Inspired to turn over to a new leaf? Well, incorporating these 8 easy tips can turbocharge your mornings in ways more than one.


1)     Choose positivity: Once you wake up, wake up with a smile. Treat your morning as a friend, family or client. The first smile can change everything. Positivity begins with you—not with your partner, surroundings or paycheck. Happiness is a state of mind, and most importantly an outcome of choosing to see the positives in your life. So, make it a conscious choice to start off on a positive note. Most achievers have revealed that they begin their day with gratitude. Maintaining a gratitude journal and updating five things that keep you going on a daily basis is a great way to kick start your day on a great note.


2)     Meditate on your bed: The benefits of this strep cannot be stressed enough. Get started by sitting in silence and express gratitude to the universe for a beautiful beginning. Visualize how you wish to spend your resourceful energy. Mediate on getting what you really want. Remember your brain learns to process what you want the brain to. For instance, brain just isn’t biased to wants and don’t wants. It rather picks up the messages and takes literally what’s being directed. So, talk about what do you want and train your mind to get what you want. There’s a huge different in your neuropath. It is very important to tell your brain what you want. Meditation is known to calm your nerves, makes you a lot focused, keeps your mind in control and is one of the best ways to get healthy—inside out.


3)     Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Drink a glass of warm water, before having your morning tea or coffee. Doing this regularly is known to improve your immune system. Make a diet chart, and ensure you consume at least 8 tall glasses of water all through the day. Hydration isn’t restricted to just water intake. DIY smoothies and healthy homemade shakes are great sources for hydration as well. Eating fruits and consuming a healthy wholesome diet comprising grains and veggies also play a pivotal part in your overall well-being. So, as they always say—hydrate, hydrate and hydrate!


4)     Exercise for twenty minutes: The power of working out cannot be stressed enough. It is not just about having a fitter body. You might be blessed with an enviable metabolic rate. But, working out for twenty minutes on the whole makes a world of difference to your overall wellbeing. And, it is best to schedule your workout hour in the morning. Choose a form of workout that works well for your schedule—it could be Zumba, power yoga or just aerobics. Sign up for some fun, we promise, there’s going to be a lot more benefits than just burning calories.


5)     Plan your day in advance: Are you someone who’s addicted to social media? Do you end up contemplating a bit much over mails? If yes, it’s time to set boundaries, and make mental markers on what drains/ diverts your energy. This is crucial so that you ensure that you would not get distracted and also helps in training your mind to remember that you have things to work on. The secret to a productive morning lies in planning your day in advance—stick to a routine, and spend time to discover what works best for you.


6)     Set your agenda the night before: Are you someone who has a to-do list? If not, it’s high time you begin to create one. Since it could get a little stressful to set aside considerable time to chart out a plan of action for the day, the best way to get started is by planning to set an agenda beforehand. Create a chart, and do make a list of what works best for you. It’s also a great idea to affirm, every night before going to bed, that you’ll be able to tick off all the pointers on your to-do list.


7)     Devote 20 minutes for yourself: Were you aware that some of the world’s biggest achievers are individuals who cherish their solitude? Well, now you do. Make it a point to enjoy your company. The way you treat and think of yourself plays a key role in the kind of energy you attract into your life. Are you giving yourself enough time to rejuvenate and reflect upon your choices? Are you happy with the way things are? When was the last time you indulged in some “me time”? What’s important to note is that if you’re missing out on having a good time or listening to what your inner self is telling you, chances are, you must be procrastinating a lot of things. Procrastination causes frustration, which in turn gives rise to myriad issues. Do your thing for twenty minutes, daily. It could be anything—exercising, dancing, writing or watching something. 20 minutes of free time can make a world of difference to the way you look at things. It can change your life, and it can change the way people look at you.


8)     Overcome procrastination by understanding Time Structuring: Do you often find yourself being a victim of procrastination? The reason could often be poor planning skills. But experts suggest that people often find reasons for procrastination when they forget to structure their psychological time effectively. Poor Planning and procrastination are rooted with ineffective distribution to time structuring (A tool from TA – Transactional Analysis Eric Berne). We have 7 aspects how we set our psychological time 1. Withdrawal - how much time we spend with ourselves – me time, 2. Ritual – Pre-programmed social interaction where we spend time to get transactional communication 3. Pastimes –talking about something but not doing may be engaged in many social intersections limited to conversations without any actions. 4. Activities – doing something or planning to do something – they are activities which keeps us moving, engaging, like going to office, gym, kitty party, massage, picnics, client meets etc. 5. Games – Communication which has more conflicts – active or passive and one is not keen in resolving it. Likes to keep it without coming to any conclusions example – cribbing, complaining etc. 6. Intimacy – Expressing authentic emotions and having open communication. The next time you find yourself running short of time than intended, set some side aside and draw a pie chart and check how much time on an average you spend – where do spend and how do you structure it, what changes you wish to make and avoid in order to come up as a winner and successful person in whatever role you play. This concept albeit beneficial, is incredibly easy and effective in the long haul.


The New Year is here, and while it’s the time to indulge in revelry and usher in new beginnings, follow these powerful morning routines ensure you don’t fall into the trap of putting your priorities in the back burner. Set aside some time every day to set a routine in place. Meditate and visualize having the best year, and you’ll see it materialize soon than expected!