Why businesses should opt for MPS/managed print services without any doubt?
If you are running a business and you think that you have successfully reduced all the unnecessary expenses, this might be the high time to rethink about it. In the present scenario, using printing devices at a business organization is an obvious matter and quite unfortunately, most of the companies fail to recognize the huge costs that are associated with the printing and imaging systems, and as a result, they have to suffer a lot.
If you are running a business and you think that you have successfully reduced all the unnecessary expenses, this might be the high time to rethink about it. In the present scenario, using printing devices at a business organization is an obvious matter and quite unfortunately, most of the companies fail to recognize the huge costs that are associated with the printing and imaging systems, and as a result, they have to suffer a lot. Most importantly, this cost is preventable and organizations can easily manage this cost by paying attention to minute details. Well, there are certain organizations for whom it is bit difficult to manage this entire aspect on their own and that is why, for them it’s wiser to opt for managed print services.

If you are looking for an alternative solution, you can also consider checking out PaaS/Printer as a Service. However, remember to check whether or not the service provider offers pay per print benefit as this proves to be very economic for businesses. In this system all you need to do is pay according to what you print. This ensures you don’t need to block a lump sum amount of money right at the beginning as an initial investment.
Businesses these days prefer to invest in smart services that help them minimize the operational costs and MPS/ managed print services is one such service that has gained immense popularity over the past few years. This solution also helps businesses achieve their overall goals and streamline the printing related business processes. This, in turn, helps boost up the productivity and efficiency of the business. If you have already heard a lot about this service, but not sure whether or not to opt for it, here are some of the most vital reasons to look at –
• Reduced printer fleet – One of the major benefits of investing in managed print service is that it helps reduce the TCO or total cost of ownership for all the devices in the print environment of your business. If you are unable to figure out which devices cause most of the downtime or which device contributes to the cost mostly, it’s high time to invest in MPS. A service like this can provide you with all the vital information that you require in order to consolidate the printer fleet effectively. Eventually, this will help you get rid of all the unrequired devices. You will also be able to trace and replace devices that are already excessively used.
• Enhanced security – With the advancement of technology, most businesses use devices that are equipped with in-built security methods like user authentication and activity tracking. However, this doesn’t prove to be sufficient always. By opting for a reliable managed print service, you can ensure an additional level of security for your business. You can make use of comprehensive permissions and device encryption. By doing this, you can ensure that users can have access only to the information they need.
• Better control and accountability – With a robust MPS solution, you can experience improved control over the print environment of your business. Since you will gain more insights into the printing activities of your employees, this will help you develop the further processes in a more definite way. You will also be able to create reports based on the data that you receive and ensure service fulfilment and proactive supply for all the users.
• Increased efficiency – One of the most prominent advantages of investing in MPS is that you can achieve increased efficiency even from remote locations. This ensures you can do more with less and explore the potential of your resources to the fullest. For instance, you don’t need to spend money or time visiting the customer sites in order to collect the essentials. Instead, you can manage everything at your convenience, using a MPS solution. Managed printing service will help simplify the device management process as well as increase the bottom line. Most importantly, you will also be able to save money to a great extent.
• Minimized environmental impact – MPS can help you restrict the paper usage to a certain extent and reduce the amount of wasted supplies. Moreover, if planned strategically, you will also be able to lower the electrical consumption by consolidating the devices. there are also many advance solutions that help reverse calculate the paper consumption so that the final impact on the environment can be determined well in advance, and if required, the impact can further be reduced by planting new trees.
• Reduced print volume – In case your business is not using a document management solution already, you will be highly benefitted by implementing a MPS. A solution like this gives you access to in-depth data regarding all the print activities that are taking place. This, in turn, enables you to optimize the processes and help you cut down on the wasted supplies. As a result of this, you will be able to adjust the print practices based on your requirement.
• Effective remote management – With a Managed print solution, you will be able to expand the service areas and cater to new target customers. When you opt for a reliable MPS solution, you will be provided with smooth and easy remote access to the users’ activities. This will ensure hassle free supplies fulfilment, remote remediation, meter collection and billing, and many other things.
Getting started with a MPS solution might prove to be a bit challenging for your business in the initial phase, but it definitely has its own set of advantages that might prove to be beneficial for your business in the long run. Never forget to look out for multiple options before you sign the deal with any one service provider. This is quite significant since the offerings vary to a great extent from one service provider to other. This will help you find and grab the best possible deal in the market. Make sure you check the references of the service provider with whom you finally sign the deal. Getting in touch with some of their previous or existing customers will help you get a fair idea regarding their after sales support and service.