Iamanentrepreneur : Indian Startups Movement
Although people often look upon entrepreneurship as a gift or driven ambition, but in fact it is a set of interpersonal skills that complement each other and motivate you to turn dreams into reality.

According to experts, an entrepreneur is a person that puts his or her career on the line and then takes risks in terms of an idea or other kind of capital. These skills are essential for starting a new business or implementing new ideas in your existing business. If you do reflect on it, not taking risks for your career in itself is a risk which could stagnate or spoil your career. Look at this way, it is better to be motivated in creating a career that you love and strive for because no one can live your life and career for you.
Although many of us believe we are born to build our own empires, dreams without the necessary knowledge and skill-set remain just dreams. In this article, we discuss some of these skills that help you in making your entrepreneurial career more effective and make your business and skills more efficient.
Observe A Different Route
The first and perhaps the most important thing is that you need to hone your creativity because creativity is at the root of all inventions and innovations. Your creativity helps you to see opportunities and find solutions where others only see problems. Read as much as you can from diverse sources like iamentrepreneur, this will broaden and open up your thinking. Watch shows and listen to podcasts hosted by and interviewing entrepreneurs to not just learn about their journeys but to also to change your thinking patterns to think like a winner.
Face Challenges On Your Own
It is comforting to seek reassurance and assistance from mentors and dear ones. But a lot of the entrepreneurship journey has to be faced alone. So start training yourself to face life’s challenges and hurdles on your own, this will encourage and train your mind to come up with solutions. The best entrepreneurs are born out of the toughest challenges they have ever faced.
Manage Finances
Financial planning and management is essential to a harmonious life , but for an entrepreneur it is the alphabet – the first lesson you have to master before you even begin your journey. A skillful entrepreneur knows how to optimize his finances because he knows contingencies and failures are guaranteed until you hit your stride. Learn to prioritise. If creativity is the parent, management of finances is the constant teacher in the entrepreneurship journey. Read financial journals and news regularly, identify how other entrepreneurs have managed and learn from their failures.
Enhance Your Communication Skills
Communication is most marketable skill you can possess. Investors, consumers, co-founders, your family – all of them need to be convinced about your product, what you are proposing, why they should invest in it, etc. Attend as many conferences and seminars as you can. Identify the entrepreneurs and other professionals you admire for their communication skills , and try to learn from or emulate them. Start speaking about yourself and your product more frequently. This will not only sharpen your communication skills, but also streamline the way you think about your enterprise. Maybe you will recognize in your own speech the need to go back to the drawing board or offer an additional solution.
Work With Mentors Or Other Entrepreneurs
Getting yourself a mentor is a guaranteed lifeline. Because if this person agrees to be your mentor, it means they see something in you that they can guide and refine. Reach out to known mentors or even other entrepreneurs and request an audience with them. Listen and observe what they propose and advise, they have taken a similar path so they are talking from first-hand experience. They may not be as enthusiastic and gushing as you are because their experience has been their teacher, and they want to share that guidance with you.
Start Volunteering
There is nothing like on-the-ground experience. Volunteering will let you learn how enterprises work from the ground up, instead of how you have always dreamed of leading and letting the details sort themselves out. See how teams are composed, how skill-sets complement each other. Not every one in the team has to be entrepreneurial, the founder may be the only entrepreneurial spirit around but the others have been hired for their expertise and how they can synchronise their expertise with what the rest of the team brings to the table to offer the best possible outcomes