Brand publicity and widening the brand presence are no new concepts. A number of brands look to enhance and spread their presence through a variety of mechanisms.
While there is a wide gamut of means to widen a brand’s presence, quite a number of business use Social Media Platforms as a tool to leverage their identity. Though social media platforms play a vital role in enhancing a brand’s identity, choosing the right platform must always precede online brand building activities.
Given this fact that a Social Media Campaign can either make or break your brand, it is of utmost importance to choose the right Social Media Platform for promoting your brand.
Sadly, not many business houses use the right mix of social media platforms to leverage their identity. In the first place, a string of brands and business simply resort to the use of Facebook. Some others use LinkedIn as a tool. However, Twitter still remains a latent contender in the race.
Given this fact that Twitter has over 317 Million active users, it is rather surprising that Twitter has not been used for brand promotional activities. On the contrary, all those brands and businesses that use Twitter for their campaigns seem to have a thriving presence.
To help your brand capitalize Twitter for your business, you can follow some of these pointers:
1) Tweet from Monday to Sunday
Rain or shine, Monday or Sunday, ensure that your brand has a relevant tweet. Given this unshakeable fact that more the content, the more the number of traffic, you must make it a point to tweet regularly.
While you do this exercise, you must certainly keep in mind that only those tweets that have the possibility of going viral will attract followers. Therefore, you must make it a point to create exciting tweets.
Further, it would do well to your business if you could severe all personal opinion from your tweets. Instead, you can post professionally, taking a neutral stand on a trending business idea or by sharing some engaging images.
Therefore, posting engaging and viral tweets on a regular basis will definitely increase the weight of your presence on Twitter.

2) The # says it all
Hashtags seem to rule the roost in Twitter. Therefore, you must ensure that almost all your Tweets use the appropriate Hashtags and Keywords.
A majority of trending tweets gets recognized by Hashtag. Therefore, if you could add that now ubiquitous Hashtag to your tweet, you can definitely stay in the conversation circle.
Further, Hashtags are the most important means of organizing a conversation on Twitter. If you use the Hashtag, then anyone who looks for the same content on Twitter will certainly come back to your tweet. Therefore, by simply using the Hashtag, your Tweet will form a part of most conversations that use the same Hashtag.
3) Diversify your Tweets:
Your followers will not appreciate if endlessly tweet the same textual content. So, you can ensure that you channelize your tweets by deploying a medley of tweets. For instance, you can use text-based tweets. These text-based tweets can be given the Hashtag.
In a similar vein, images can also be posted on Twitter. Further, these image-based tweets will have the high probability of creating a better traction in the conversation circuit. Moreover, image based tweets will also be an engaging means of conversation.
Similarly, you can explore the option of using the quotation mark. These quotation marks will ensure that the tweets stand out and have a prominence over the others.
Therefore, you can balance out your tweets by using various means of diversified content.

4) Use Twitter Poll:
Twitter polls are another great medium that you can explore. You can use Twitter polls to create excitement on your page.
While a number of social and democratic debates are triggered from Twitter Poll, your brand stay safe from political conversations and can use the same to tap your end user’s likes and preferences. Therefore, you can create brand awareness or product excitement using Twitter Polls.

Story originally published on http://www.brandmoustache.com/blog/widen-twitter-presence/