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How fashion marketing is going to change post covid19?

Fashion marketing is found to change post covid19 in many ways using different strategies to approach the target audience.

How fashion marketing is going to change post covid19?

Saturday June 20, 2020 , 6 min Read

Fashion marketing is all about reaching your target audience and making them aware of the product like the celebrity style, which can connect to their feelings and finally making them interested in buying the product. The marketer needs to do detailed competitor analysis in terms of their marketing, advertising and branding efforts for their products and services and then develop the marketing strategies and make your product or service reach the target audience in a unique and engaging way.

Fashion marketing is found to change post covid19 in many ways, like the way brands used to convince their audience needs to be changed. The way fashion marketer used to work pre covid19 will change post covid19. The brands may need to switch to various new platforms to reach their audience.

The ever-growing fashion industry is going to have drastic transformations due to covid19 happening. The changing customer mindset needs to be kept in mind while developing strategies. Most of the people understand what all are the living essentials that are required because of which they are shifting towards purpose-driven actions and sustainable living. The customer will prefer to buy online, expecting discounts and giveaways from brands, quality services at their doorstep, and even prefer buying from marketplaces (due to a wide range of products available in a single view like celebrity closet).

Since, the primary audience is nowadays seen to be active online browsing through the internet, seeing thousands of new products every day. So, the online platform is the only way of reaching the audience during covid19, which will even continue post-crisis. The brands need to develop their online presence either by creating their website or collaborating with marketplaces to showcase their products. Furthermore, they also need to be active on the social media platforms where they can quickly identify their target audience. People are avoiding crowded places right now, which will continue for the next few months even; so, it is essential for brands to interact with their audience to maintain brand liquidity. Innovative strategies can help marketers get like newer before customer attention and a platform to showcase your products excitingly.

Strategies that are commonly being used by fashion marketers and will continue post covid19

Strategies that are commonly being used by fashion marketers and will continue post covid19

Reaching the audience at the comfort of them staying at home

Many brands started to deliver essentials to people through online platforms at their doorstep. They gave the best of their services at the doorstep, safety being given the top priority. Fashion marketers created user-friendly platforms to connect to the audience and create huge brand awareness. Through this, marketers have increased their social media followers and incoming new users. Marketers can opt for launching their seasonal collections like ‘summer collection 2020’, which got delayed due to covid19 online either on their website and social media platforms or in collaboration with any marketplace. This will even continue to post covid19 because people are going to be afraid of social gatherings even after that.

Online shopping has already started showing an increase in sales, even in the fashion industry. Shopping at the comfort of being at home and relaxing on the couch having new messages and notifications in the feed has shown a definite increase in sales, especially in at-home comfortable and cozy outfits like T-shirts. Marketers can promote more cost-effective products online, rather than high-cost ones.

Fascinate the audience staying at home

According to Statista, the average time spent by a person online browsing through the internet and social media platforms per capita have found to reach 155 minutes by 2021 drastically. The tough times of covid19 have helped marketers reach more people around, creating more followers on their social media profile. The marketers also actively interact with their audience by creating a fun-filled engaging content like contest related to designing and creativity. Such content can help marketers grab the attention of many new users just while scrolling through their news feed. Marketers have even developed strategies to start selling online on their social media, start focusing on loyal customers through customer relationships management systems like phones, emails, and also through discounts and offers.

Video marketing can be used for fashion marketing, as it is considered to be more engaging. Video content captures more number of people and also helps people to relate and give a straightforward demonstration of the product. This is said to be a significant part of search engine optimization and drive more conversions.

Connect to feelings of the audience

Marketers also connected to their audience by sharing tips and strategies to follow during covid19. They gave protective gear like masks and sanitizers to their locals, showing it on social media. Many fashion brands like Fabindia, Fable Street, Manish Tripathi, Anita Dongre, Shivan and Narres, and Nitya Bajaj have started making masks that they are even promoting on their social media profiles.

Grabbing the attention from a large audience

Marketers created many hashtags that floated on Instagram, where people showed their creativity and made new trends. Some such hashtags trends are #HomeCouture, #pillowchallenge, #stayhomestaychic, #passthebrush, #abovekeyboarddressing.

Each hashtag saw its unique take on clothing. Like #homecouture, was started by Serventini and his friends who are recent graduates of Central Saint Martins, where they used materials and things lying around their houses to recreate the runway looks by big brands which are not so wearable otherwise.

#passthebrush challenge saw many versions of it, and people had their interpretations of it. Some passed a t-shirt, some just pretended to pull or push each other virtually while passing the brush or t-shirt or dress.

#abovekeyboarddressing was used bu online shopping platform Koovs targeted to work from home professionals to promote their casual wear section.

Marketers have also created platforms to have virtual fashion weeks for their brands to promote their products. They can showcase their fashion launch to a broad audience at the same time. Rather than post ponding the fashion weeks, marketers can get a huge benefit out of these tough times for their brands through virtual events. Similarly, conferences and significant events can also be held online in help with fashion marketers. Marketers can even encourage freelancers to participate in such events, which can even be a cost-effective option.

Creating positive environment

Marketers continue to share positive thoughts towards life, continuity, hope, and destiny, along with their product or service on social media platforms. Many brand icons interacted with their followers on their social media profiles by going live to answer questions and clarify all doubts in their minds. Fashion icons also conducted zoom conferences where they addressed people and help them continue gaining knowledge through their interactive sessions. Brands even had virtual parties on their Facebook and Instagram to relieve the stress out of their minds. This will even continue to post covid19, where people love interacting with the brands they follow.  

As a result, continued innovation is taking place in marketing due to covid19 happening. New strategies need to made and implemented to mantain an excellent online presence. Online presence is the only way for fashion brands to reach their target audience and create brand awareness and finally drive conversions. 

Marketing is all about being creative and conducting experiments