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How Do You Find Time For A Business While Being Full-Time?

How Do You Find Time For A Business While Being Full-Time?

Saturday March 28, 2020 , 6 min Read

It would seem that in life you are on the perfect path to success. Many people in your environment can congratulate you on their achievements or even more or less secretly envy them. However, at some point you get a certain thought that comes back like a boomerang. Although you run away from her and she still comes uninvited. This thought is: "Maybe I will start my own business?" And you already have a good job, great earnings, organized everyday life. To quit it all and start your own business is pointless, after all, you have to support your family and various obligations, and you won't earn money in your company. So how do you get out of this situation unscathed? Set up a business in parallel with a full-time job!

What if your day were made of rubber?

You will probably think that I am crazy after reading the introduction. How do you still find time for the company in the multitude of professional and private duties? Do you think I have a magic potion to extend the day? Unfortunately, each of us has to use, only or as much as 24 hours a day / 168 hours a week - they do not want to be different. How would you fit so much activity into them then? In this article, I will tell you how to free up some time to find a few moments to grow yourself and your business.

1. Analyze

Think about what you spend your time during the day, week? What are your tasks apart from 8 hours a day working full time? How much time do you spend on household chores, playing with children, sports, hobbies? And now check how much time you are wasting on meaningless activities : browsing facebook and instragram, watching videos on youtube, or television? Or hang out from room to room, checking if the light in the fridge etc? Be like Henry Ford and find activities that are unnecessary and ...

2. Give up

.... eliminate them from your life. By resigning from some non-contributing tasks, you free up to several hours a week to work on your own business. You can spend this time testing your business idea , first contacts with clients, building a personal brand, writing articles. There are many possibilities.

3. Delegate

By removing steps in an earlier step, you still need unnecessary tasks? Consider which of them you can delegate? Maybe it is worth rethinking the division of household responsibilities at this stage? It is also worth analyzing which of the tasks you can delegate to another person in your full-time job? Maybe there is someone who will replace you in the long run and it is worth giving him some of his duties and responsibilities and thus freeing himself from overtime, for example? You can devote the recovered hours to prepare an offer for the client or to carry out the first orders .

4. Choose

Decide what tasks make you start your business and do it! Do not hesitate that the website must already be perfectly optimized, because you can waste time creating functionality, which at this stage does not affect the company's revenues. The done is definitely better than the perfect done. Act, time for refining the details will definitely come . Maybe at this step you don't get extra hours to build a business, but you certainly don't waste those you have.

5. Plan

Have you freed your time from unnecessary and unnecessary tasks? Have you minimized the number of activities that made no sense? Now it's time to take the card / calendar / planner / mobile application / software on your computer (delete the ones you don't need in your mind) and write down the tasks left, divide them into time of day and specific hours. Schedule your development time in the schedule and stick to the plan! Create a list of tasks for the day, think about which have the highest priority and start with them. In this way, you will move forward even when there is not much time saved. Step by step, just ahead!

6. Share

If you think that you can't pull on your own business development and full-time work, consider implementing a partner to build your business together. Find someone with whom you have complementary competences and skills . Look for a person who will depend on the progress of work on building the company. In this way, together you will support each other in the pursuit of the goal and if the worst period of one of you happens, the latter can always move the task forward.

7. Use it

Opportunity, not people. Are you waiting in line for a doctor? Read overdue materials. Do you drive to work every day? Listen to podcasts about building a business and look for solutions that match the specifics of your business. You have 20 minutes to leave and it does not pay you to start doing a large task? Reply to emails. Find during the day moments that are unproductive but necessary, and try to make the most of them . This way, you will always be able to make the task that hangs over you go a little further.

8. Rest

And finally I may surprise you. All the time I wrote about the fact that you have to get the most out of your day, and here I jump out with lazing around. However, according to a study of officials conducted in 2009 by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, "people working more than 55 hours a week may suffer from insomnia, worsening of mood, memory and reduced concentration. Not to mention heart disease. To have strength and willingness to work you need to find time to regenerate . But I mean real rest, not with the nose on the cell or on the TV. Read a book, take a long bath, go for a walk - in a word, something that will completely cut you off from everyday matters, race of thoughts and tasks and allow you to gain distance to the entire hustle and bustle. When you give your head a rest, it will repay you with confidence!

It's Time For Business

Remember that working on your own business is a real challenge . Do not be fooled by those who say that building a business is sitting with a computer on the beach on the Canary Islands and drinking latte in fashionable cafes. It's a heavy piece of bread that will require a lot of sacrifice. However, I can tell you honestly that such moments will come - I believe there will be many of them - that you will feel pride in your own achievements and where your company is now. And now I wish you with all my heart!