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How Outsourcing Your App Development Could Benefit Your Business

Let’s explore this subject and go through some of the darkest corners. Get ready to deep dive!

How Outsourcing Your App Development Could Benefit Your Business

Friday March 08, 2019 , 4 min Read

In the modern yet hectic world a huge number of businesses go digital and require app development to actively compete on the rapidly changing market. Vast majority of the above has no internal resources for software or application development and do not plan to bring them in-house. What might be a solution in this case?

Let me tell you. If you need to outsource your project development, probably one of the best options would be a dedicated team of professionals skilled at a technology stack you need or business domain you are in. Go find them and hire! No need to bring them to your office!

Outsourcing to a dedicated team has lots of peculiarities, pros and cons, advantages or whatever you call them. Let’s explore this subject and go through some of the darkest corners. Get ready to deep dive!

The Way It Works

IT outsourcing companies provide a dedicated team as a service to their clients. In this case, a it is a group of in-house developers who are going to work offshore for one client at a time.

When the client has several projects that require the same skill set and outsourcing to the same IT company, it might still be a dedicated team for that client. Often the team stays a bit separated from other departments of the mother IT company due to the fact that the project might have its own ecosystem, way of management, tools etc.

If you consider building a dedicated team for the development of your app among freelancers, you would need to find the best experts in the field that you want and bring them together within the project. Locations of the individuals do not matter here at all. Though, timezone, team coordination and project management are the things that matter greatly.

In both the cases, a dedicated team is hired for a specific project and a certain amount of time. The team and the timeline may be enlarged if the project is scaled up.

Nowadays, almost any business needs an IT team but not all of the businesses want to bring the team in-house. Here is where an outsourcing of a dedicated team comes to the stage.

Key Advantages of the Dedicated Team Model

Among many advantages of outsourcing to a dedicated team I would like to point out several of them:

Highly-qualified team. Client gets a team of developers with necessary skill set immediately. No need for growing and nurturing the team. No time wasting. It is worth a lot. One team member is dropped off, IT company can always substitute one with another.

Teamwork and communication. When it comes to a teamwork we always think about efficiency. People should know each other’s skeletons in the cupboard, strong points and weaknesses. Unfamiliar people are inefficient and it’s a fact. When hiring a dedicated team from an outsourcing IT company, you should not worry about that at all.

Cost-efficiency. Hiring a dedicated offshore team is way cheaper than growing your own in-house team of IT specialists. This becomes really sensible especially when you are a small or medium size business and app development is a single time project. No extra chairs, no equipment to buy, no extra people in the office – hire them only when you actually need development services!

Common Mistakes

Software development is the field (among others) that requires professionalism. Nevertheless, being a professional one still has its right for the mistake. Here are few things that can go unexpectedly wrong while outsourcing your project to a dedicated team.

Right or wrong team. One of the worst things that may happen is when the client comes to realise that the team for the project is totally wrong selected. And the nightmare is when it happens in the middle of the development cycle, at the so-called point of no return.

A very common mistake is a temptation of a client to hire a cheap dedicated team. What is the treatment, you may ask? Hire a good outsourcing team which is cost-effective and remember – quality first! So, vitally important initial thing is to find a dedicated team that suits your technical needs best.

Communication gaps. Communication is one of the factors leading to a success of the project. On the contrary, it may easily break any business relationship. In this respect, every participant of the project development should remember basic demands. The communication should be quick, non-stop, efficient, clear, transparent etc. If the dedicated team or the client starts violating those norms, the project development is almost doomed to fail.

In order to conclude, hiring a dedicated team from an outsourcing software development company is more secure, efficient and cost-effective than hiring a bunch of freelancers from various parts of the globe.