Ideal Features & Functionalities of Lab Information Management Software (LIMS) based on Web and Mobile Solutions
LIMS vision has become a reality due to innovative and technical sound innovation in Web and Mobile space

Laboratories are going through various transactions, in order to work with same pace with the increasing number work load. Earlier not many people were prescribed by the doctor to go for laboratory test as they lack the technology and were quite expensive. But with the changing scenario of the science and technology, the work load of the laboratories has increased a lot.
Lab Information Management system has been the stand out technological development which has unable the labs to effectively manage sample and associate data, which has also lead to proper communication between the users like patient, doctors and the laboratories researcher. It helps in performing various tasks like billing, maintaining historical records, accounting, patient registration etc.
Key Features of Lab Information Management Software(LIMS)
Manage Inventory:
Labs need to mange lots of inventories like, tubes, report file, equipment etc. And cannot afford to waste time in managing them, LIMS helps them to manage all the things in the software and allows to get knowledge of any inventory within seconds.
Accurate Testing:
Once you set some standards, it plays a key role in assuring that each of the test results are as per standardize manner or not and analysis workflow testing results with acute range.
Manage samples:
LIMS helps you to manage the entire samples in lab. It allocates the unique code to each of the sample which helps in the identification of it. Sample information includes all the vital data like test to be performed, name and other details of the patent etc. These data’s are available on both offline and online.
Customer Communication:
LIMS stores all the data of the customer with their reports and contact details. Once all the reports are assured and checked it automatically communicate all the details to the customer through emails.
Various other features like automated data capture and reduction, Data analysis, external system integration etc has lead to the success of the LIMS.
Along with features it is important to know the functionality of the product. Some of the common features associate with LIMS are as follows.
1. Reporting:
Reporting is the important function of LIMS. For a firm it is important to know all the information about its product and should also have a quick record access to known details of each of its product to tell its customer accurate information and also to keep it stocks updated. Eg- It helps to tell customer details like when the product or tests would be delivered, cost of it etc. It also helps in management of stock as the company records all its product details like the instrument is frequently used and are there in stock or not. All this data are vital in data analysis auditing and audit trail.
2. Work Flow Management:
LIMS is very useful in automating the work flow of the management. Once you integrate all the historical data base and use automate records keeping, it will automatically assign the tasks to the scientist and even suggest instruments on the basis of records and data provided. This function helps the firm to manage the entire task efficiently and effectively.
3. Mobile App:
To ease the task much further you can build your LIMS mobile friendly. With the increase in use of smart-phones in the labs it can be quite useful in accessing all the features of LIMS.
4. ERP:
ERP integrated with LIMS can be blessing for the company. ERP can help you to have complete access of the stock. Just with clicks you can get information like alerts of low supplies, auto-calculate shortage, freezer capacity and location management. All this facility can ease the job of management and it can focus on other important aspects of clinic.
With all the exciting features and functionality LIMS has been a great success in smoothing the workflow of the clinics. I know you might be wondering what would be the cost of developing an LIMS, well it would cost you around $11,000+ depending upon the features, size of the app, Development platform, functionality etc. The prices may vary.
Looking at the cost factors the investment in LIMS is comparative low compare to benefits attached to it. LIMS helps you in maintain quality and match with the increasing work flow by smooth management. It is advisable to choose a quality developer who can just not develop your quality software but also suggest you the features required for your software depending upon your company and budget.
If you are still using the traditional approach than I hope this article would help you to get insights of benefits of LIMS to your firm. Integrating LIMS to the work could be lot beneficial for both customers as well for the scientist and management of the firm. Overall it is quite helpful in managing clinical labs.