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Must Read Books on Personal Management

Most popular books on Personal Management

Must Read Books on Personal Management

Tuesday April 02, 2019 , 5 min Read

Students, managers, leaders and almost everyone needs personal management to excel and succeed. Here are the most critical personal management books that can guide one in leading a successful life and excel in personal and professional life.

Who is not aware of the benefits of continuous learning? They say learning is vital to be successful!

Learning is a never-ending process, and I am a massive advocate of continuous learning. But how can you do that? What is the easiest way to learn new things from time to time? There is one answer to this READ! READ! Read what? Personal management books!

The world is changing continuously and if you want to be part of the game, you need to improve yourself. Personal management books are a great way to learn a new thing every day.

The critical way of success is to read and apply whatever you learn. Thousands of books are available on personal management and development. Nowadays with the increased use of mobile phones and tablets, it is effortless to access books. So there is no excuse. One more thing, books are also available in the audio format, so you can have it while traveling or driving.

Here is my recommendation for the top personal management books:

Seven Habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

When it comes to personal management, this book is always at the top of the list. Not because this is my personal favourite but because it has changed hundreds of lives. Covey is world famous for personal management and leadership and in his book, he has put the key to success in seven simple habits that can lead to personal and professional management. Coveys habits are highly effective in teaching personal and professional management skills and are taught at Leadership schools

How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

Timeless advice on learning soft skills that are key to develop relationships. This classic book has gems of advice that helps one manage their relationships. You know that relationships are significant to lead a successful social and personal life and this is the book is very famous for its guiding principles on making and managing relationships.

This book teaches amazing soft skills that are highly appreciated and liked by the people around. Not only this, you will be able to make people feel important. You will not only become a leader but an excellent and persuasive negotiator as well. So if you are not good at handling people, this is a must read for you!

First Things First by Stephen R. Covey

Another amazing book from the leader, Covey. An excellent book for all those who fail to manage time, especially the students whose life is driven by the deadline based assignments and failure to manage time make them ask, can someone write my essay?

This book helps the students, managers and leaders in effective time management. This book asserts three generations of time management, tasks list, personal organizers, and values clarification as incorporated in the Franklin Planner. This book emphasizes that the “compass” of purpose must guide decisions. It effectively guides to differentiate between important and urgent activities and manage what is more important than along with urgent tasks.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by Book by David Allen

Yesterday’s methods are no more applicable in the modern world of today. David Allen, the famous management consultant and coach, guides the methods for stress-free performance. Who does not need that in the modern fast-paced world, especially students?

This book is based on one principle, “our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax”. Productivity only comes when minds are relaxed and clear; only then one is able to bring the best out of themselves, and hence he has devised methods which can lead to stress-free productivity. In "Getting Things Done”, David guides the reader on how to unleash their creative potential, how to apply "do it, delegate it, defer it, and drop it" rule and how to feel fine about what you are doing.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

“Success is determined not so much by the size of one’s brain as it is by the size of one’s thinking”- David J. Schwartz

This classic piece is about one premise: THING Big, and you will get Big . . . !

This book is an excellent guide to upgrade your thinking, which is the first thing towards success and big achievements. If you think it, imagine it, you can achieve it. The author claims that success is less dependent on intelligence and high on the power and ability of thinking. Based on tis, he has devised a number of strategies to upgrade thinking. This play will just transform your life if you implement the lessons of it in your life.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

Success is the outcome of certain habits. Whether it is the success of Olympics winner, Martin Luther King, Jr., Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs and so on.

The key to everything is having a habit, the book is based on one argument, and the key to everything is based on an understanding of how habits work. This book will guide you in changing your habits for your best.

Do let us know about any other book that must be added to this list!