Some Jeff Bezos Quotes That Are Gospel For Every Entrepreneur
The richest man in the world might just be the best teacher you ever had
Jeff Bezos needs no introduction, but just for sake of it, here it is. Jeff Preston Bezos is the chief executive officer, president, and founder of Amazon.com. It’s not a surprise that Amazon is the biggest e-commerce website in the world. After all, the business helped Jeff Bezos in surpassing Bill Gates to become the richest person in the world. With a massive net worth of $113.1B, Jeff Bezos truly is an inspiration for every entrepreneur and entrepreneur in making.
Jeff Bezos collected all of his life’s work and put it into one thing, his dream to make things available for everyone. Online shopping is a big thing nowadays and Jeff Bezos can easily be crowned the king and I believe that everyone will agree with this statement. The best part about him is that he isn’t stopping and I don’t think that he ever will. It’s one thing being the richest in the world, but if you surpass someone to become the richest, that’s on a whole other level.
The chief executive officer of Amazon.com doesn’t only have the power to inspire his employees, he has the power to inspire the whole world with his legacy. The things he has done, is doing, and will do, will keep inspiring a lot of people. Not only his actions but even the things he says are filled with motivation and inspiration. So in order to inspire and wake up the entrepreneur in you, here are some quotes by Jeff Bezos that are gospel for entrepreneurs:
“If you double the number of experiments you do per year you’re going to double your inventiveness”
Always and I mean always aim to do greater than you did before. What Jeff says here makes a lot of sense when you think about it. The thing that builds your abilities as an inventer is experimenting. Keep finding new ways to make different things and keep experimenting with them. And if you make it a habit to experiment, you will notice your skills growing day by day. Just keep grinding till you reach the level when you will be able to consider yourself perfect.
“Life’s too short to hang out with people who aren’t resourceful”
We meet a lot of people every day and make a lot of friends in our life, however, if you really need to be successful, you must learn how to separate your professional life from your personal life. Everyone has all kinds of friends, the ones who are resourceful and the ones who aren’t. Just be careful which ones you hang around when you work or which ones you actually make a part of your work. The resourceful ones will help you in growing more than you’ve ever dreamed of and the non-resourceful ones will just keep you where you are and that can result in your growth becoming stagnant.
“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well”
Let’s be real, the most important thing for a person is his/her reputation. If your reputation is good, you’ll be satisfied, however, if there’s even a little black spot on it, it’ll bother you until it’s cleared off. Jeff says that a brand for a company is the same thing as a reputation for a person. Now, to clear off a black spot on your reputation, you’ll be willing to do anything and go to any heights. In a similar fashion, a company can only build its brand if the people in the company work hard enough for it. So, if you own a business, you must be willing to work hard enough to build a brand and a good reputation with it.
“One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out”
Everybody talks about thinking out of the box and creating something new and unique. What we don’t realize is that nobody will help us in doing that. The only way to think out of the box or in Bezos’s words, getting out of a tight box is to help yourself. You need to create a way for yourself to think out of the box in order to broaden your way of thinking and increase your knowledge. So, believe in yourself and don’t depend on anyone or expect anyone else to help you in achieving your dreams. Sure, people can set you on a path but it’s you who should work on his/her skills and talent.
“My view is there's no bad time to innovate”
I’ve heard many people say that they’ll do things at the right time. What they don’t understand is, this is the right time. If you want to do something and have an idea, do it. Do not wait for anyone or anything. As soon as you think you have a good idea, just start working on it quickly because there’s a high possibility that someone else will get the same idea and he might start living the dream you want to live. Believe me, that will hurt more than working hard. So, just start innovating because this is the right time to do it.