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How Technology Can Help Control the Spread of Coronavirus?

A mysterious coronavirus 2019-nCoV detected in China is outraging quickly worldwide. Using technology the coronavirus outbreak can be controlled to an extent.

How Technology Can Help Control the Spread of Coronavirus?

Friday March 06, 2020 , 5 min Read

The respiratory pneumonia-like illness that is raging in the world originated from Wuhan city of China. When the outbreak of a cryptic Coronavirus happened, health officials failed in quickly collecting the information about it to spread awareness among the population. The Coronavirus ailment mysteriously appeared in Wuhan and has inevitably affected many countries, since almost 9,920 cases of Coronavirus have been reported globally including 213 fatalities. It is compared to the historical plague that has scourged the whole Roman empire.

As this mysterious ailment is spreading over the countries, it is important to discuss the risk of being infected with coronavirus, how to safeguard yourself, and how to detect its symptoms.

What is Coronavirus or Wuhanvirus?

The epidemic member of the coronavirus family ‘Wuhan virus’ was first identified in Wuhan city of China. It may lead to mild conditions like cough & cold to lethal diseases like SARS. The rise of this pandemic nCoV strain found in Wuhan is linked to the virus found in bats and dromedaries. The underlying cause of the spread of nCoV is considered to be the Huanan seafood market, the place where animals slaughtered and sold.

Although, human-to-human transmission of coronavirus has been confirmed cognate to the flu that is inflicting its rapid spread worldwide. Hence, its impact on the human being cannot be overlooked.

How Technology can Help Control the Spread of Coronavirus?

Controlling the sudden rise of nCoV is not possible just with human efforts but with artificial intelligence, it can be controlled to an extent. The rumors and information spread over the web and social media cannot be easily collected and validated by the health officials quickly while AI technology can mine through reports and details available on the internet. So, technology helps experts to understand and recognize the anomalies that can be potentially lethal or worse.

Back in 2003, when the SARS outbreak which is similar to the coronavirus has occurred, a total of 9,000 people were affected, out of which 774 died according to the WHO reports. The technology was poorly developed back then which is not the present case. Now, the healthcare sector is witnessing an exponential technology boom that is affordable and widespread.

Let’s see how technology can help humans to survive the coronavirus outbreak and can be used in the context of this pandemic virus to prevent future cases.

  • AI can Detect the Affected Areas

AI capabilities can be used effectively in the context of controlling the coronavirus outbreak. As soon as the coronavirus outbreak recognized, China confirmed the existence of the virus. Although, estimating the affected areas precisely could not be possible without AI technology. AI-enabled platforms collect the data from various sources such as flight traveler data to spot the next affected area. Many health monitoring AI platforms issue an early warning about the outbreak to the people residing around the nearby locations.

You can get a list of the areas affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The spread of the virus can be correctly predicted using data analytics and AI technology. AI platform will go through piles of information to collect adequate data about anomalies. Knowing the havoc of coronavirus, it is important to generate the outbreak insights and spread them faster than the virus spread itself.

  • Integrating Maps to Health Platform

In any case, if a person finds out that he is affected by the coronavirus, the next step is to consult the doctor. For the same purpose, he must be aware of the nearby doctors and hospitals that can help cure the disease he/she is suffering from. A coronavirus mobile app with map integration via API will help the infected person to have quick treatment or consultation by availing a list of the nearby doctors.

Also, by collecting the regional data from around the world, the map will display the affected areas. The map will provide the public with coronavirus updates and the outbreak situation using transparent data sources.

  • Social Media Awareness

Social platforms are the best medium to spread awareness about any ailments and anomalies. The social media tools transmit the information to every corner of the world in a few clicks. For instance, coronavirus has already covered China, the health officials and citizens of china mentioned about the cause, coronavirus symptoms and, what precautions you must take to avoid it.

  • Highly Equipped Health Sector

Thanks to technological tools, the health sector is equipped with AI and ML-enabled machinery. Now the patients can get instant reports of their medical tests to start with the treatment quickly. Highly trained staff with advanced health medical equipment goes overboard to help infected people with this highly contagious disease. Technology has helped medical officials to save many lives, for instance, a person admitted in a hospital, but the doctors of particular hospital are not skilled enough to analyze the test reports, so the reports can be sent to some senior doctor via email or fax for quick detection of the disease.

With technological progress, now doctors can quickly test the human samples and generate the test reports as early as possible. This helps in the quick diagnosis of the infected person.

  • Symptoms Detection using ML

An application developed using ML and AI will give people an early warning about the outbreak. The application can be used to test the coronavirus symptoms in the user with a questionnaire. It can suggest the precautions a person must consider to stay prevented from coronavirus. Also, with technologies like ML, the coronavirus app can help a person understand the spread of coronavirus, its affected areas, possible symptoms and must have precautions.


Technology has dramatically evolved in recent years. Health and medical sectors are inventing cures for every possible virus and disease. The cure for this potentially deadly coronavirus outbreak yet to be discovered and the best way to cure nCoV is to avoid being exposed to it.