Do you have what it takes to be a successful blogger?
If you’ve ever thought about starting a blog, this information is for you. Many people think that starting a blog is easy, and that literally anyone can do it. It doesn’t take that much effort to write a short post about your favorite coffee shop in town or weekend in the city.
Starting a blog is easy, the hard part is keeping it going. The number of failed blogs far outweighs the number of successful ones. One of the main reasons for blog failure is simply giving up. That’s why successful bloggers follow rule number 7: Be persistent. As in other areas of life, success comes to those who are willing to keep going, even when things get tough. Keep reading to learn about the other rules successful bloggers follow.
1. Create a lot of content
The first for effective blogging is to write a lot. Practice makes perfect, so the more you write, the more your writing will improve.
Write all day long. Some of the best bloggers find inspiration when on the go. You don’t have to limit your writing time to your laptop alone, you can take notes on your phone or record short audio messages when an idea pops into your head. If you prefer a physical touch, use a small notepad to jot down your inspirations.
It takes a lot of effort to put out so much content, but the best bloggers know that the more you put out, the better a chance you have of getting recognition. The best bloggers are dedicated to their work and spend a lot of time researching, writing, editing, and re-writing their posts.
2. Stick to the point
People usually visit blogs because they want new information, they want to learn something. That’s why you should give the people what they want and be concise, internet copy is not the place for flowery language.
The most successful bloggers are masters at getting their audience’s attention, holding it, and most importantly, making the information easy to understand. The best bloggers keep their posts short and use lists and different subheadings to stimulate their readers.
3. Analyze everything
The best bloggers are always looking to learn more about blogging and about their audience. They know what they’re audience is into, what social media sites they use, what kind of websites they visit frequently, their tastes, interests, etc. They use statistics and analytical tools to better understand their readers.
They know the times when they get the most views, what kinds of posts their audience likes, and which posts get the most attention.
Once they’ve gathered all the necessary information, successful bloggers then adapt their content, timing, and format to best attract their audience’s attention.
4. Stay consistent
Another habit of effective blogging is consistency. The best bloggers publish their posts at a consistent rate, monthly, weekly, daily, etc. Think about some of your favorite blogs, do they stick to a schedule? Pick a schedule and stick to it.
Also, stay consistent with your topic. If you wander a bit, that’s fine, you can always connect your topic to new material. But you’ll find it difficult to get a following without sticking to your major topics. If you stick to both your topic and schedule, then your audience will know to expect and when to expect it.
5. Never stop learning
As you keep blogging, you’re going to find out that there’s a lot to learn. Not only do you need to be a good writer, but you need to stay on top of trends, new technologies, and techniques that you can apply to your work.
As blogging is an online activity, and internet technologies are constantly changing, you have to keep learning if you want to stay ahead of the game. This may include learning a new program or skill, or updating old work that has become relevant again. The best kinds of people are lifelong learners.
6. Be a self-motivator
As many of us are finding out during this quarantine, there are advantages and disadvantages to being self-employed. Of course, you have more freedom, but if you can't discipline yourself to do the work, you won’t be successful.
When it comes to building a successful blog, you’re your own boss, so you have to find the motivation to do the work. No one is going to keep an eye on you, give you helpful tips, or remind you of upcoming deadlines. It’s all on you. Find your motivation and apply it to your blog, no one is going to do it for you.
7. Be persistent
The best bloggers weren’t successful the first time they sat down to write something. The dream of quick fame is often just that, a dream.
The only way to achieve success blogging, short of selling your soul to the devil, is to keep at it. Be persistent, don’t give up, and you will see results. Eventually, you’ll look back on the hard times and appreciate your struggle. You may even find that overcoming adversity is a reward all by itself.
8. Make a plan
The most successful bloggers plan their work weeks, even months ahead. They have a plan and follow it. Of course, there will be setbacks and adjustments, you may even scrap your plan altogether, but even a bad plan is better than no plan.
Don’t waste time now on the details, like the best font or profile picture, those will come as you do the work. The most important thing is to do the work. Make a rough plan and start now, the details will come later.
9. Have a thick skin
When you start putting information out into the world, don’t be surprised by the negative feedback you receive. Take what you can learn from constructive criticism and ignore the rest.
Criticism of your work can actually help you. Think of it this way, someone is actually reading your work, which is great, but what’s more, they’re taking the time to engage with you. This has real value online and will bring your blog more attention as people like, comment, and share the content. It’s also another perspective, and a great chance to get a second opinion on your work. If the criticism is constructive, you’ll feel both agitated, because you know it’s true and you could have done better, and motivated to do better.
Trolling is another matter. If you think you’re being trolled, that is, someone is trying to get a negative reaction out of you by posting nasty comments on your content, it’s best to ignore and delete them from your followers. You don’t want to let their negativity bring you down.
10. Use an auto poster
Using an auto poster to manage your social media accounts will not only save you time, but also improve your site SEO, boost your visits, and keep your social media sites looking fresh.
Supported on most social networks, you can use auto poster to post to Instagram, Facebook, and other social media. Usually, it has the features you need to stay on the path of an effective blog poster, including wp auto post, auto publish to social media through WordPress, post scheduling, and much more.
Wrapping Up
As you’ve just found out, there’s a lot more to blogging than meets the eye. It takes real dedication and hardwork to become a successful blogger. To get you going, follow these habits of effective bloggers and remember, if you don’t start something, you’ll never finish it.