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The Most Popular Online Rental Business to Start With Yo!Rent

The Most Popular Online Rental Business to Start With Yo!Rent

Monday November 26, 2018 , 5 min Read

You don't need to step out of your home to make money? Why do a job when you can be Sidepreneur? The Internet has changed the world around us and created new possibilities for income. Peer-to-Peer eCommerce business offers countless opportunities to start a successful business with your assets and small capital investment. Start your online renting marketplace with YoRent. This industry which was valued at $19 billion in 2017 is expected to double by 2022. Sharing economy as it is called is expected to be a major disrupted for traditional agency based hiring. If you are planning to explore opportunities in e-commerce rental business here is your ultimate list of most popular rental businesses ideas can start with Yo! Rent - online Rental Marketplace software - 

Dress Rental Business

Dress rental business is extremely popular as it allows people to dress the way they want during events without spending exorbitantly on them. Maintain a good line of costumes and focus fancy dress costumes and you have your successful business plan in place. An online dress rental portal is more than just a fashion company: let’s enlist the top marketplaces of this booming industry.


Start own an online dress rental platform with Yo!Rent

Event Venue Rental Business –

It is one of the first businesses to make use of online rental marketplace solution platforms. If you have a venue to rent for an event use these platforms and you won’t have to ever worry about promoting your venue.  

Vacation Rental

It is one of the oldest rental businesses in the world. Have a room to spare during the busy travel season, you have got business waiting for you. You can also invest in a property purely from vacation rental business.

Camp Equipment Rental Business –

Camping equipment is costly and most amateur campers don’t want to invest large sums of money buying them. You can rent your idle equipment and it would help you make money and invest in better equipment.

Music instrument Rental Business –

Music instrument rental business is growing exponentially and as an upcoming band or an aspiring musician you can rent them out to create funds for your next big buy.

How will the site work & make money?

The site would be a common platform for renters and lenders. Anyone can list an instrument on the site, and anyone can rent a listed instrument, gear or space. Here is how things will work on your P2P music instrument sharing website:

  • Musicians browse instruments/gears/spaces listed on the site with their hourly/weekly/monthly rent rates
  • They reserve the equipment for a specific period by communicating with the owner
  • After 24 hours of the reservation, owners get their money through the website, from which the commission is cut
  • Renters return equipment to owner at the end of the reservation period

This is pretty much how the business & revenue model looks on the surface for a P2P instrument sharing website. Now, let’s discuss the essential website features and how to implement them to attract more users.

Water Sports Equipment Rental –

As a water sport enthusiast don’t make your equipment gather dust when you aren’t using them. Hundreds of amateurs hunt for water sport equipment on rent in peer-to-peer websites and you can mint money by giving them on rent.

How it works?

  • Equipment listing with real photos.
  • Set price which can also be adjusted per rental.
  • Renters can search for gear as per region.
  • View availability in that area and make rent request.
  • Renter must pay for the rental and pick up their equipment at the agreed time and place.
  • Money is transferred securely through the platform to both accounts after commission deduction.
  • Every listed item must be insured, making the experience completely safe for every person.

Wedding Rental Business –

From lights to props and furniture there are dozens of things needed to make a couple’s special day even more special. You can start this business with a small capital and make a fortune.

Travel Equipment Rental Portal –

Start your own travel equipment rental portal where you rent out everything from adventure sport equipment to cars and caravans. Make good use of social media and in no time you would see good number of bookings.

Construction Equipment & Tools‎ Rental Store –

While these equipment were always taken on rent online rental websites have bridged the gap between the renter and the customer. Keep your tools and equipment in good shape and they won’t sit idle.  

Why do a job when you can make money while enjoying a vacation thanks to online rental websites? And before we forget even while you are vacationing you would be helping fellow entrepreneurs keep their bankers happy. If this isn’t gratification, what is?

Summary – In this write-up we take a look at some of ultimate list of most popular rental business ideas that you can explore with peer-to-peer rental ecommerce business