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Top 5 Coworking Spaces in India for Startup Company

Best co-working space in India is waiting for you.

Top 5 Coworking Spaces in India for Startup Company

Friday August 30, 2019 , 4 min Read

Top 5 Co-working Spaces in India

Best Coworking Space in Hyderabad

Best co working space in india.

In a co-working space, individuals work independently or collectively in a shared office space. Good office space is important for the efficient working process. Various companies give co-working spaces for rent. A good co-working space offers some basic amenities like coffee machine, cleaning services, internet facilities like Wifi and many more. Thus co-working spaces can also help to save some extra money as well. Companies also rent co-working spaces that have conference rooms, lounge, phone booth and cleaning services.

Sometimes a office working space can help you to increase networking. As quite a number of people share a co-working space you never know when you might find a potential investor! 

In countries like Indonesia, they have certain co-working spaces inside a mall! With space in a centralized mall, one can have numerous clients and also one does not need to step outside the office for meetings.

It is said that if you provide your employees a cool and relaxing place to work, they can even double their efficiency. 

List Of Coworking Spaces in India:


Co-working space in hyderabad

iSprout was created to match the ever-growing business industry. This center is known for its flexible work spaces! The work space help freelancers, startup companies or even big corporate businesses to conduct their daily activities.  One of the most unique as well as helpful service is their professional business support team.

This team mentor comes up with efficient solutions whereby increasing all over business productivity and results in maximum work optimization. They also provide basic amenities like Phone Booth, cleaning services, parking facilities, and a Cafeteria as well.

News Channels like Asia News and as reputed as The Hindu has published this company's success stories. One can check out their website which is also quite eye-catching with quirky office decor to well-informed pieces about their services. iSprout has been a proud partner with big shot business companies like DELL, Bluenet and You can definitely check the website to find a perfect and Best coworking space in Hyderabad for any small or big scale business companies. Overall the services provided by iSprout is affordable and that is why it is listed at number 1.


  • Hyderabad
  • Chennai
  • Vijayawada

Plus Offices

Best Coworking  places in hyderabad

This is a rapidly growing shared workspace business venture. This venture found its grounding first at Gurugram, Haryana. They have expanded over a huge area of about 55,000 sq feet facility. The services that are offered by this out of the box company ranges from Virtual office and manager cabins and also private offices to customized office spaces. This company tries to increase networking by connecting the business ventures to regional as well as international mentors. This is a strong and potential company with more than a thousand efficient members.


  • Gurugram

Office Pass

office pass

This place offers a different feature compared to the rest of the companies that is it is a Neighboring Co-Working Space. They provide space to nearby people within five km. This facility helps the employees to save a little extra time and also save them from the hassles of the commute system. They can simply walk to their office destination. This also helps the working members to save the transport cost. This is quite an out of the box business idea. The Office Pass is located at four places.


  • Gurgaon
  • South Delhi
  • Noida



This place is established in Lucknow. The pricing feature that this company provides can accommodate both small and big scale companies and is also affordable for start-ups.  There is another impressive feature that this company puts forward is a device lab that has all the useful gadget that can come in handy for various companies. As the name suggests, the ambiance of the co-working spaces is also quite different and impressive.


  • Lucknow



This place has managed to get quite an attention due to their concept of a women-only co-working space. This place is located at Adyar, Chennai. This place encourages all big and small business ventures and gives them an opportunity to come together in solidarity with the help of some attractive packages like she square, start-up square, and workshop square. This co-working space aims to uplift women.


  • Chennai


Thus these are some of the known companies that provide efficient working spaces along with all the basic amenities with it. The concept of co-working spaces is the next big thing in India and companies are showing considerable interest in these quirky and fun working spaces. The conventional office spaces are reducing in number and these spaces are coming up with their quirky office decor and a flexible work environment. These spaces also give an opportunity to connect with potential mentors and increase channels through networking. Co-working spaces show great promise in the near future.