Positive Affirmations: Top 5 affirmations to beat negativity
How to harness positive thinking? Do you know that most humans stress over things that only exist in their heads and never happen in real? Yes, you are hearing it right. So, today I am going to tell you about the top positive affirmations. These affirmations will help you live a life you long for.

Benefits of positive affirmations
"I can't do this; successful people are born with brilliant minds; I am not capable of it", these are some of the statements that we keep repeating to ourselves every now and then. And when we keep repeating these statements for a long period, it becomes our reality. Therefore, it becomes imperative for us to feed our minds with thoughts that can help us live a life that we long for. Positive affirmations when repeated continuously can reprogram the thinking patterns that can help you overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to mitigate the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. Many researchers say that investing only a few minutes of your day thinking about your best qualities before a high-pressure meeting – a performance review, for example – can calm your nerves, boost your confidence, and improve your odds of a successful outcome.
Here are top 5 positive affirmations that can help beat negativity and can lead you on a path of success and happiness. Let's have a look at them:
Affirmation to beat negativity
I am a person with rock hard determination, unbeatable will, and invulnerable strength. Today, I choose to be the person who is not afraid of failures and hardships. I don't fear consequences, I fear not trying. I am positive and will remain positive even in the worst-case scenarios. I love every part of my body and will keep loving them. I choose happiness over sadness, kindness over selfishness, and love over hatred. Today, I exclude negativity from my life and embrace positivity with open arms. Repeat the positive affirmations daily to expect better outcomes.

Positive affirmations to start your day
Affirmation to start your day
Today is a great day. I am going to live it to the fullest. I have wonderful family and friends. I am grateful for all that I have. I am doing well both mentally and physically. My health is improving, my relationships are blossoming, and I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy. I am going to work hard for achieving all the goals that I have set for myself. The cold breeze, the warm rays of the sun, and the melodious chirping of the birds is making me feel alive, amazing, and offering a sense of peace and relaxation to my mind and body.
Affirmation before going to bed
At this peaceful time of night, I let go of fear, worry, anger, and blame. I permit myself to close my eyes to sleep peacefully tonight, and awake refreshed tomorrow. I am grateful to God for offering me another day to live and experience the wonders that this life has to offer. I am grateful for my family, friends, food, shelter, clothes, and good health. I am grateful for this wonderful strength that resides within me and keeps pushing me to do better, to live better, and to offer better to this world. I fold my hands before God and ask him for his forgiveness, love, and care.
Affirmation to beat procrastination
I am going to fulfill all my dreams no matter how hard things get. I know that I am capable of achieving great things in life. I know that there are some gaps in my skills but I am going to bridge all those gaps with sheer determination and hard work. I know that there will be times when I will have this urge to leave everything unfinished, but I will not quit and will keep going till my last breath. I will tell my inner demons to shut their mouths and listen to the strong and useful voice within me that keeps me going even in the hardest of times. I know I am going to do that. This is my promise to self.

Repeat affirmations to boost your confidence and morale
Affirmation to boost your confidence
I know I have it in me to achieve whatever I wish to achieve. I have seen a glimpse of that indestructible strength that resides within me. I have seen myself overcoming the toughest of the battles in life with flying colors. I am aware of the capabilities within me. I am born to do wonders and I know that. I am smart, intelligent, brave, kind, and gentle. I am going to work hard to fulfill all the dreams that have been a part of my life since I was a child. I am going to do great in life. I know that.
So, these are the top 5 positive affirmations that can help you feel energized, boost your confidence and morale, keep you on the path of growth and happiness, and most importantly keep stress and anxiety at bay. Hope you find this article to be useful. Please, share this article to help your friends and family lead a good life.