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3 Ways to Extend your Software Development Team

3 Essentials to Successfully Extend Your Offshore Software Development Team

3 Ways to Extend your Software Development Team

Friday July 31, 2020 , 6 min Read

You have got investors onboard to validate your business idea. At least, funding isn’t an issue anymore.  Next, you have an influx coming in from your clients. Your software development work has been resonating well with your clients, and your company is in for a large volume of work.

How would you do it?

You’d definitely need an extra hand.

offshore development team

However, it is not just about having some software developers to help you manage your load. There are so many new languages and technologies evolving out there that you need to hire the required skills.

Let’s say, in the future, you get a requirement for Python-based project. In such a case, you’d begin with the hiring process, which might extend the timeframe of the project. Hence, it is crucial that you have an extended software development team at your disposal right from the start.

Time to Grow – Successful Models to Extend your Team

In this section, we have covered three distinct ways to extend and hire dedicated web developer team along with their pros and cons.

Hire Freelance Mobile App Developers

An interesting fact surfaced when Website Builder conducted a survey—Nearly one-third of the US’s workforce has involved in some kind of freelancing job at some or the other point in their career. In addition, 57 Mn Americans are doing freelancing, which is up from 53 Mn Americans from the last five years.

At this rate and convenience to work with the utmost flexibility, it is anticipated that the number of freelance workers is going to witness a surge. As a result, it would become easy to hire mobile app developers on a freelancing basis. This way, you would have to pay only for the projects that you involve them in and get rid of the overhead cost associated with space and system.

Pros of Hiring a Freelance Software Developer

Below are the pros of hiring freelance software developers to extend your software development team:

  • High Cost-saving Instances
  • Access to skills that are unavailable in the country
  • Low complexity and risk in contract
  • Low rates
  • Time taken on training can be cut down

Cons of Hiring a Freelance Software Developer

  • Communication may turn a bit complicated due to remote workers
  • High threat of leak of data
  • Low motivation and dedication
  • High risk of project abandonment
  • Low supervision

What Should be Kept in Mind Before Hiring a Freelance Software Developer?

It is not easy to onboard just anybody in your software development team. You need to ensure that you are hiring the most suitable person so that your software development company is able to achieve high client satisfaction rate.

Below are questions that you should ask when you are hiring a freelance software developer:

  • What are the projects that the freelancer has worked for?
  • What are the latest technologies that the freelancer has hands-on experienced?
  • Is the charge of the freelancer hourly or project-based?
  • Is the freelancer able to follow the agile development methodology?
  • What is the client retention rate of the freelancer?
  • What is the project abandonment rate of the freelancer?

Outsource Software Developers

When you outsource mobile app development services, it means that you are talking to a software development company that offers you the leeway to hire dedicated web developer team. The company from where you outsource the required skills is known as the vendor company.

The vendor company holds the responsibility to complete the project within the specified timeframe. All you need to do is provide the vendor company with the requirement, and you don’t need to supervise or manage the resources. You can easily handle your requirement and ask the vendor software development company to keep you updated with the latest development.

Pros of Outsourcing a Software Developer Team

  • High-quality software development can be ensured
  • Focus on management and supervision decreases
  • Low cost of talent acquisition and management since you do not have to invest in the space
  • You get the best talents since the developers are already well-trained by the vendor software development company
  • Easy collaboration with the project manager

Cons of Outsourcing a Software Developer Team

  • Complexities in the management due to the constraint of location
  • Difference in the time zone can cause an issue of communication

What Should be Kept in Mind Before Outsourcing a Software Development Team?

You have a vendor company, which makes the management easy for you. However, there are some pointers that you should check for before signing the contract to hire dedicated software developers.

  • Is the vendor company a genuine one?
  • How many years of experience does the vendor company hold?
  • Is the vendor company recognized one or holds an award for excellent work?
  • What is the online sentiment of clients about the vendor company?

Hire Software Developers for your Team

In-house hiring of software developers is a very traditional and yet logical model of onboarding required skills. When you need a massive extension of your software development team, in-house hiring can be a good solution. You can train your employees and have complete control over their development.

When you want to develop a website or an app, you already know the skills of your software developers, which makes it easy for you to assign the talent right away.

Pros of In-house Hiring of Software Development Team

  • Better administration and management
  • Improved communication and collaboration
  • Changes, QA, and integration can be managed smoothly

Cons of In-house Hiring of Software Development Team

  • Time-consuming hiring process
  • High cost of talent acquisition, maintenance, and retention
  • Termination becomes too complicated
  • Training becomes too tedious

What Should be Kept in Mind Before Hiring In-house Software Developers?

Though the in-house hiring process has been in the system for quite a long time now, there are some companies that do not possess the required knowledge to acquire the right talent. You can ask them to write a code for a small functionality to test their knowledge before getting into a personal round of interview.

Below are the questions that you should ask for when you are hiring in-house software developers:

  • Does the candidate hold any prior experience in software development?
  • What is the exposure of the candidate when it comes to the latest technology?
  • Is the candidate flexible enough to work on other skills as well?
  • Does the candidate possess any non-technical skill?

Final Words

So much has been said about the benefits of having a good team, and we cannot emphasize more on it. A good software development team can literally take away all your concerns and work in a professional manner towards the completion of a project with utmost accuracy and quality.

However, for that, you first need to select the method that works the best for you. Want some inspiration? Most of the companies today would recommend outsourcing dedicated software developers, on account of the high productivity that the model holds. After all, who wants to sit through at the end of the day and train and micromanage their resources when you can get the work done with minimal intervention?