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How to think about a subject to write about

Many times we have the urge but we do not know what to write, and we look for some idea or thought on which we can start. In this article, we will see a new way to generate a theme and get inspiration.

How to think about a subject to write about

Tuesday March 13, 2018 , 6 min Read


Maybe you've wondered how certain writers come up with some crazy ideas. There are several methods, some of which we have already seen in the writings such as an Oxymoron. It is similar in many ways to write an assignment but assignment writing help or guide is not going to work for you here, and you need a bit different approach as you are the producer of the subject matter.

Do not hit the nail?

The vast majority of the time we want to write about something, and we do not know about what. We tried, and it's like wanting to hammer a nail without having the nail. It can be very frustrating. One of the simplest ways to hit the nail when writing is the word association. It simply consists of joining two words. 

But as we know, the words themselves are more than just words because they are linked to concepts and ideas. This is a very tough process, which allows you to generate inspiration and get ideas to write. For each word with its idea, joined to another word with its idea and generated a new idea.

How does it work?

As we said, the idea is to join two words. But what words? It is the obligatory question.

The process is as follows:

1) First, we must think of an object or something that functions as a subject. It's what we're going to talk about. For example, an eye.

2) Then we think of quality. That is to say, a property that we are going to give to this. What makes it different? What does this have that others do not have? For example, it sees things as they were in the past.

3) We unite the two concepts, and this gives you sense. The eye of time.

This union of two different ideas, depending on each one, will give us something to write about and produce an inspiration. The eye of time may seem like a silly thing, but it may even give rise to a magnificent write-up. It could be "Red Eyes", but that is a common and more usual phrase. Depending on what it produces, we can use it. That is, it depends on the union of each of the words and what the phrase produces.


The trick is often to join two words sometimes unthinkable, i.e. the subject or object does not have this quality, sometimes as a denominator. And the best thing is if this new concept has not been heard before! This allows us to develop an idea for a short story, or even to use it as the title. Of course, some ideas are better than others or even sound better, but this is not the important thing. The grace lies in how, and because it produces this union of words. That is, if you think about it, you will come up with an association of words that you would like, and you will begin to write about that topic. The story will come out with fluidity because this association of ideas will inspire you.

Now come to the structure of your story. Imagine that you decide to write books and then you are ready to write the first one. One not very extensive, then you could have a structure like this:

• Foreword

• Introduction (why do you write this book, who are you to do it, what readers will find here, etc.)

• Index

• Chapter 1: explain what exactly you are going to talk about in the book and what the objective is, and therefore, what they will learn or what the readers will take away (it is a way to reinforce the beginning or "nitro"). The general objective here should be: to hook the reader on what comes next, to awaken that interest and desire to continue reading.

• Chapter 2: something succulent. Start with a story, examples of other people who have experienced that situation you describe, other mapmakers, companies using Human Media, your experience. Add examples in detail. Ends with practical information. Then link to the next chapter.

• Chapter 3: A topic that follows logically to chapter 2 and then, the same system as chapter 2.

• Chapter 4: Same process as chapter 3.

• Chapter 5: Follow the same process as 3 and 5, always adding consistent stories, logical and consistent with the course of the book.

• Last chapter: Reflect, conclude, summarise, offer new steps. Speculate about what could have worked and what could not.

• The last pages: Add more personal details about you, about the history of the book, sources, some curiosities and anecdotes about the whole trip. It would also be interesting to include contact forms to extend the relationship with your readers (this could go to the beginning too).

In principle, you could start anytime. As soon as you set to do it everything is going to become more complex, undoubtedly. Even then, I insist that you start, take action, make an impact, and do it. Although you can always procrastinate and wait for the perfect structure to write a book, I doubt it will ever happen. The same applies for the moment right now.

Where to write books?

A lot of writers have written stuff on Evernote. Some people though, may not be that efficient with Evernote, and their writing may be passed on to editing and re-editing. However, you can start with Evernote. Otherwise, you can choose software like Omni writer. Just make sure that you choose software in which you do not lose content if it suffers a problem. For me, until now, the safest is Evernote.

Small trick: Save everything in a joint file that you call "draft" and saved every time you write a chapter; in this way, you can always have everything in one place.

Writing regularly matters a lot

Using methods of this type are very good ways to start with the habit of writing a book and maintaining that habit. You will not have another blank sheet because you have already defined the technical structure. You will not have to worry about taking the first action because you can start to discover how to associate themes of the type that each chapter needs. It's a matter of filling your head with ideas to include in the main structure when writing stories. Great, right?